Gentics Content.Node Changelog Summary

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.28


In some cases the page status was not handled correctly. This caused the publish process to ignore some pages. This defect first appeared in 5.12.27 / 5.13.11. This issue was now resolved.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.27

Enhancement RT56054

The REST API getItems performance for folders with many pages was improved.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.26

Bugfix RT56138

Import: Fixed setting permissions when important content repositories.
When the import was started with a different group, it did not get permissions on the new content repository.
The chosen group and all parent groups will now get permission on the content repository when doing imports.

Bugfix RT55948

Fixed export selection in multichanneling environments. Previously, if you added
a folder that has been created in a channel in the channel where it was created,
its contained elements would not be automatically selected as dependencies.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.25

Bugfix RT56127

Create page: Fixed error that ocurred when no filename was given and there was another file in the same publish path with an empty filename. Also fixed broken i18n translation for this error messages.

Bugfix RT56174

Fixed the assignment of constructs to nodes during the import.

Bugfix RT55141

Fixed GCNs internal sorting function not respecting whitespace in strings like MySQLs sorting does.
This caused the repository browsers to sort entries (nodes, folders) with whitespaces in the name differently than the main GCN node tree did.

Bugfix RT56138

Import: Fixed permission bug when importing content repositories.
The group used for importing never got the “Assign user permissions”-permission flag.
Therefore users were never able to grant permissions for imported content repositories to other groups.

Bugfix RT56098

A performance issue has been fixed that slowed down the listing of files/images in
folders with a big number of files/images.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.24

Enhancement RT55978

When a page that has no language set shall be translated or modified in a specific language, the user will now be informed that he has to set the page language first.
This will reduce the chance of users unexpectedly overwriting the page‘s content with another language.

Bugfix RT56107

Fixed possible NPE when running a multithreaded publish process, where pages needed to be published, because they were scheduled with the “publish at” action.

Bugfix RT55458

LDAP Login: Fixed LDAP login being case sensitive when using advanced groups and fixed SGB occuring when a LDAP group couldn‘t be found in GCN.

Bugfix RT55946

When uploading images using the REST API, some temporary files named imageio*.tmp were created and left open until the garbage collector would remove them.
This could lead to a “Too many open files” error. This has been fixed now, those temporary files are now removed as soon as they are no longer needed.

Bugfix RT55676

Fixed too strict security check when linking workflows to folders.
Before this fix, linking workflows to folders was only possibly, when the user had the permission to manage the workflows, now the permission to link workflows is sufficient.

Bugfix RT55756

If an online page is moved to a different folder and taken offline, it is now possible to create a new page having the same filename.
With this fix, it is possible to subsitute an online page with a new page having the same filename, even if a wastebin workflow moves the old page away and takes it offline instead of deleting it.

Bugfix RM11269

Setting references to other objects during an import has been fixed.
Before this fix, objects were possibly overwritten (even if they should not have been changed) and references could be lost during an import.

Bugfix RT55458

LDAP Login: Fixed the LDAP Advanced Groups feature not working, when the LDAP server (ie.: Microsoft Active Directory) doesn‘t have objectclass=groupofUniqueNames & “uniquemember“ enabled. In this case please enable the following feature in your node.conf:

$LDAP_LOGIN_FIELDS[“dontuse_uniquememberattribute”] = true;

Bugfix RT50562

Synchronizing the scrollbars in the translate page view did not work anymore and has been fixed.

Bugfix RT50562

The top menu was incorrectly positioned in the translate page view. This has been fixed now.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.23

Bugfix RT55933

Fixed a bug that prevented starting due scheduler jobs because of a database inconsistency.

Bugfix RT56053

When offline pages are imported, sometimes the pages are left in status “being edited“ instead of “offline” on the target system. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT54768

Under some circumstances, page-editable template tags were previously not correctly inherited
when using multichanneling. Now a page created in a channel always inherits from the relevant
channel version of the template. Fixed in backend as well as in REST page/create.

Bugfix RT56028

The documentation about filesystem attributes has been extended to contain information about handling filesystem attributes in CRSync.

Bugfix RT55989

Publish runs that remove many objects from a content repository at once can lead to
idle database connections, which in certain circumstances could be closed during this
interval. The connections are now kept alive with the algorithm and configurable variable
described in Bugfix RT47489.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.22

Enhancement RT55694

Various Oracle MySQL 5.6.12 compatibilty issues were resolved. For more information please check the compatibility list

Bugfix RT55959

Localizing a channel was erroneously bound to the “delete folder“ permission in the backend ui. Now the “create folder” permission is checked.

Bugfix RT55875

A feature “always_allow_page_create_variant” has been added to allow for backwards compatiblity for installations that rely on
the user‘s ability to create a page variant without edit permissions, a bug that has been fixed in RT54981 (5.12.18 and 5.13.5)

Bugfix RT56021

Aloha Editor – gcnfileupload plugin: Fixed the text color in the modal dialog being inherated from the page.

Bugfix RT55793

A bug has been fixed that prevented GCNJSAPI from editing tags in frontend mode. Also, the documentation
has been updated to clarify the scope of usefulness of $cms.rendermode.frontend and $cms.rendermode.backend

Bugfix RT55941

Fixed possible publish error for very long running publish processes when multithreaded publishing is used.

Bugfix RT55962

Before making an editable part “not editable”, the user will now be informed that all existing values for that part will be lost.

Bugfix RT55856

In order to avoid massively overblown log files, certain non-critical warnings
concerning objects that have previously been deleted are no longer included
in the publishing log.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.21


Error messages emitted when calling unimplemented methods of the GCN JS API Node
objects will now have their arguments passed in the correct order.

Bugfix RT55390

Restoring certain forms (eg. folder or file properties) could lead to an SGB error due to an invalid attempt to recreate the form from the session. If data is missing now to re-create a form a new form will be generated.

Bugfix RT55744

Saving multiple tags with recursive callbacks, passed throw, will no
longer result in only the first tag‘s changes being sent to the backend.

Bugfix RT55744

Chaining calls onto the edit() function will now results in the chained
functions being queued and processed in the correct order in which they are
called. Therefore `javascript tag.edit(onEdit).save(onSave)` will now correctly
invoke onEdit() first before calling onSave().

Bugfix RT55706

Previously, if you didn‘t define a “macros“ part (or “template“ part) for a velocity part rendered by
another velocity part, the “macros“ part (or “template“ part) of the “outer“ velocity part would be
incorrectly inherited to the “inner“ velocity part for the duration of rendering.
Now, the velocity part only looks at the current tag when it is searching for a “macros“ part (or a
“template” part).

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.20

Bugfix RT55887

Fix some SQL statements to no longer use subselects, which do not perform on MySQL under specific circumstances.
This fixes bad performance when getting objects for multichannelling.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.19

Manual Change

It is now possible to deactivate tags using the GCN JS API. Newly created tags

will be automatically activated, but before the page is saved, that tag can be

Because the GCN JS API will no longer automatically activate all tags in a page
that is saved after editing, this change may require some implementations to be
modified to manually activate in-active tags. A manual change will be necessary
for example, if your implementation renders a page‘s inactive object tags in
view mode via the GCN JS API. In this case, it will be necessary to first
activate the tag using tag.prop('active', true).

Bugfix RT55709

Some database indices have been added to speed up channel specific queries. This will increase rendering performance of pages in channels that use lot‘s of other pages (e.g. overviews).

Bugfix RT55761

When handling a dirtqueue event fails, the event will now be marked as failed (together with the reason) in the database.
Before this fix, handling the event was tried again, which possibly delayed starting of the publish process until the failure reason was removed.

Bugfix RT55709

The memory consumption of the server while writing pages into the filesystem has been reduced.
Before this fix, if large numbers of pages had to be written to the filesystem, the total amount of all page contents had to fit into the server memory, which could lead errors in the publish process due to OutOfMemory exceptions.

Bugfix RT54820

Editables that are contained in blocks which become wrapped (because their root
element is not among those configured in allowed rootTags) will now still
activate properly and show the correct floating menu configuration.

Bugfix RT55709

Fixed possible “hanging” of publish process when using multithreaded publishing.

Bugfix RT55772

Mandatory tags: Fixed small typo in the error message when publishing a page.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.18


When a file is renamed using the backend, and the entered new filename contains illegal characters, there will be no warning any more, but the illegal characters will be replaced in the same way as when uploading a new file.

Bugfix RT55600

Due to changes in permission handling, users without user administration rights were not able
to access several dialogs concerning their personal user settings. After this fix, access to
these settings now again depends on their correctly associated permissions only.

Bugfix RT52250

The table columns that will hold the check result of contentrepository have been increased to hold up to 4GB of data each.

Bugfix RT55307

When a file was to be published, and then deleted during the publish process, a failed constraint caused the publish run to fail.
This issue was fixed, and the described situation no longer causes a publisher failure.

Bugfix RT54981

A user will now need edit permission on a page in order to create a page variant of it.

Bugfix RT55188

The visual appearance of the log table header row has been changed.
Previously each row header was clickable in order to sort the elements.
The sorting of logs is not supported. The log column have been updated in order to visualize this limitation.

Bugfix RT54936

Fixed possible error in the publish process due to a lock on the table node (e.g. caused by an import process running at the same time).

Bugfix RT55485

Fix creation of user without a group due to not running (or not reachable) internal Tomcat.
Additionally prohibit login with a user that is not member of a single group.

Bugfix RT55503

When a user tries to publish a page that misses some mandatory tags, a message will now be shown, telling that the page could not be published.

Bugfix RT55500

Fixed filename verification regular expression. It is now possible to include the following characters in filenames.
a-z A-Z 0-9 _ , . - ( ) [ ] { } $
Previously it was not possible to rename files to include those characters.
The file uploader already accepted those characters within a uploaded file.

Bugfix RT55269

When a node is detached from a ContentRepository, the node data will be removed from the ContentRepository at the start of the next publish run instead of a separate maintenance task.
Removing the data is done more efficient now and will be done in single transactions per object, if the ContentRepository is configured to use instant publishing.

Bugfix RT55388

Fixed possible database lock during a publish run that could cause an error while deleting a file.

Bugfix RT55240

The REST API will now return an error when a folder create request publishdir field value contains more than 255 characters. Previously a generic database error would be returned.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.17

Manual Change

Validation feature: Fixed special characters like umlauts in strings (eg.: filenames when uploading files), causing the strict AntiSamy validation to fail.

AntiSamy is now updated to version 1.5.2, which introduces a new setting “entityEncodeIntlChars” that can disable the encoding of special characters.

If you are using validation and have a antisamy.custom.xml file (probably in /Node/etc/), you have to add the following setting to it in order to fix the strict validation:

<directive name="entityEncodeIntlChars" value="false"/>

Bugfix RT54941

A race condition producing exceptions on concurrent database accesses (e.g. multithreaded page create REST calls) has been fixed.

Bugfix RT55242

Folder property dialog now disables the form fields and removes the OK button if you are not allowed to change the folder properties.

Bugfix RT55475

This fix improves visibility constraints for the tagmap editor if the user does not have permission
to access it by removing it from the menus of the contentrepository, thus avoiding permission exceptions.

Bugfix RT55394

Fixed saving pages not working when the magiclink tagtype “gtxalohapagelink“ was not linked to the node where the page is in.
When clicking “Save” in the menu it appearently didn‘t do anything.

Bugfix RT55451

Import/Export: Fixed the automatic export download system (via URL) not working anymore because the export system denies the connection.

Bugfix RT55217

Feature Live URLs: Fixed liveurl icon not being displayed in the page list sometimes.

Bugfix RT55328

When the data should be checked or repaired in a content repository and this caused an Exception (e.g. due to connection problems, an invalid URL, locking issues, ...), the task to do the checking/repairing remained in the dirtqueue until the problem was resolved.
This blocked all subsequent dirtqueue entries, including the publish process.
This behaviour has been fixed now, Exceptions thrown during the checking/repairing process will now be logged as result of the action (visible in the UI for the content repository) and the dirtqueue entry will be removed.

Bugfix RT55313

New object tags are now correctly prefilled with the default values of the underlying tagtype in the tag fill form.

Bugfix RT54461

The behavior of instant publishing was changed to disable immediate removal of deleted objects in ContentRepositories when deleting multiple objects at a time.

Bugfix RT55324

Overview: Fixed pages that were marked for publishing and then delayed in the “Maintenance”, not showing up
in overview listings when publishing the page again. The delay_publish value was not cleared when the page was published.

Bugfix RT54936

Long running imports caused some unnecessary locks in the DB, which caused problems while changing objects (pages, folders, ...), even if those objects were not touched by the import.
Those unnecessary locks will be avoided now, so that modification of unrelated objects or creation of new objects will be possible now.
It is however still the case that objects, which were modified by the import will be locked by the database until the import process finishes.

Bugfix RT55299

When listing the templates included in an export, the used SQL statement was very inperformant and could take a very long time.
This has been fixed now, display of templates is much faster now.

Bugfix RT55496

Fix possible not threadsafe usage of the database driver when using multithreaded publishing to write into several ContentRepositories during very long publish runs.

Bugfix RT55239

Creating files in the REST API where the number suffix (name_number.extension) in the given filename
exceeded maximum integer limits previously caused an exception. The algorithm calculating filename suggestions
for existing filenames has been improved to avoid these issues in the future.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.16

Security RT54512

When authenticating via REST API, Session secret cookies are now sent with the HttpOnly flag set.

Security RT54512

If your setup only allows for HTTPS access to your backend and REST-API, you can enable the Secure flag
in session cookies by activating the “secure_cookie” feature.

Bugfix RT55346

Improved the error handling for unchecked exceptions, that might be thrown while publishing into a content repository.

Bugfix RT55312

Aloha.GCN.openTagFill() would result in an error when trying to open it to edit
object tags, this behavior is now fixed.

Bugfix RT55158

It is now possible to save changes to a content object‘s cdate via the GCN JS

Bugfix RT55143

When a language variant of a page was synchronized with another language variant, and that other language variant was deleted afterwards, getting the page with its translation status using the REST API caused a NullPointerException. This has been fixed now.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.15

Bugfix RT55127

Fixed possible DB locks during a publish process that caused problems when editing pages. This also fixes possible errors at the start of a publish process (because a lock could not be acquired).

Bugfix RT55299

When starting a multithreaded publish run, all tables were locked while connections were started, in order to get a 100% consistent state among those connections.
When some other SQL Statement was already running at the same time, this could lead to DB locks, and could subsequently freeze the whole CMS.
Therefore the tables will no longer be locked while starting the connections for a multithreaded publish run.

Bugfix RT55260

When using instant publishing, this possibly caused DB deadlocks while accessing the ContentRepository DB during a publish process.
This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT55143

When getting pages from a folder via the REST API with the inSync parameter set,
an exception was thrown if pages were synchronized with another page that could
no longer be found on the system (i.e. was deleted).

Bugfix RT55134

When using the Gentics Content.Node Javascript API and node.js to upload a File into a Channel, the File was uploaded into the Master Node instead.
This has been fixed now, uploading files into channels is now possible using node.js.

Bugfix RT55211

Aloha Editor – GCN linkbrowser plugin: Fixed href not being updated after selecting a page/file from the link browser.
Now the href will be set to a # when a GCN page or file is selected. This also fixes the link-plugin targetRegex setting not correctly working.

Bugfix RT54731

Fixed a minor bug that sometimes caused flag icons not to be shown for start pages set in a folder.

Bugfix RT55065

When exporting, export warnings were generated for excluded objects. This is fixed now, export warnings are generated only
for non-excluded object types.

Bugfix RT53937

Dependent pages were previously not dirted when a tag type was overwritten by an import. The new behaviour is to dirt all dependent
pages whenever a tag type is changed.

Bugfix RT53746

Links tags will have their anchor text cleaned before saving. This will ensure
that wai-lang attributes will be cleaned up from GCN magic link tag anchor text
before they are saved.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.14

Manual Change

A potential security issue has been fixed.

Important: If you are using Gentics Portal.Node Java with the GCNAuthenticationManager (e.g. for frontend editing), you have to update it first, before updating Gentics Content.Node.

If you pass the session secret in the ?do=100 URL now, you will be redirected to the same URL without the session secret in the sid= parameter.
If your system setup is relying on this information in the URL (which it shouldn‘t) in any way, please enable the following feature in your GCN configuration:

$FEATURE[‘disable_sessionsecretredirect‘] = true;

This will keep the old behavior like in the previous GCN versions.
However, we don‘t recommend enabling this, use it at your own risk!

Bugfix RT55042

Accessing a page or a folder from the history on the start screen caused an error in the tree
if the action was issued directly at the start of a session. This issue has been fixed.

Bugfix RT54882

Previously it was not possible to create two pages with the same name in different channels of the same master node.
The same problem also appeared when creating two folders with the same name in different channels of the same master node.
Now, you can create pages or folders with the same name in different channels, as long as one channel is not a master of the other.

Bugfix RT54493

Corrected a previous fix for a NullPointerException in the publish process due to a synchronization problem.

Bugfix RT54509

Improved permission checks for error log, workflow administration and inbox messages.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.13

Bugfix RT54935

Tag-fill: Fixed the object name not being displayed (eg.: pages, ...) in a tag URL-part under certain (rare) circumstances when using multichannelling.
This only happened when the page was created in a channel and was localized again in a subchannel of this channel.

Bugfix RT54771

GCN Rest API: Fixed /folder/getImages/ method returning images as type “file”.
This also broke displaying the image width & height in the repository Browser thumbnail preview.

Bugfix RT53175

When a local page inside a channel was translated and the language version did not exist yet,
a new page in the target language was created in the master node. This was not intended and
caused incorrect behaviour, and has been fixed now: the translation of a local page is now
local as well.


Fix the inability to set the startpage for new created folders over the page context menu.
Setting the startpage could duplicate the object tags of the folder, which could also lead to subsequent errors.

Bugfix RT54911

Pages were previously not dirted when only a template tag inside their template was changed,
but the template itself was unchanged. Now, a change in a tag or its values also properly triggers dirting.

Bugfix RT54078

Fix possible (but rare) NPE while finishing a multithreaded publish process.

Bugfix RT54954

Instant publishing: Fixed error messages being shown for none-critical problems like Velocity rendering errors.
Also fixed a Javascript error when the message included linebreaks.

Bugfix RT54620

When using instant publishing for a content repository, the (regular) publish process used to create a new connection for every published object.
This has been changed now, so that the publish process will open a single connection for every content repository, that is kept open while publishing, and only open a new transaction for every object, if instant publishing is used.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.12

Bugfix RT54157

When creating a new channel, the root folder will now get its object properties set identical to the object properties of the immediate parent node.

Bugfix RT54821

Fixed possible SGB when creating new folders.

Bugfix RT54602

Old values in tags which already existed on the target system, but have been changed since, were
not removed properly during import, resulting in duplicate entries. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT54717

The src url of the preview image in Image Editing Tool will no longer be a
broken url when cropping or resizing the image in front-end editing through a
proxy. The proxy prefix will now be prepended to the preview image‘s url.

Bugfix RT54853

On pages where the dir=“rtl” attribute is specified for languages that read from right to left, the GCN menu wasn‘t displayed correctly sometimes if the menu entry contained special characters. This is now fixed.

Bugfix RT53854

Editing pages: Fixed the error “GCN ERROR (AJAX_ERROR)” sometimes occuring when doing another action after a previous one too fast (eg.: Editing a page and then immediately publishing it).

Bugfix RT51839

Folders that were fetched using the GCN JS API‘s FolderAPI.folders() method will
now have their tags available when they are needed.

Bugfix RT54501

Fixed instant publishing of folders when the folder startpage was set the first time using the page context menu.
Before this fix, instant publishing of the folder was only triggered when the startpage was set using the object properties dialog, or when the startpage was changed.

Bugfix RT54794

Reduced the memory consumption when deleting big folder structures to avoid possible OutOfMemory situations e.g. when deleting nodes that contain many folders.

Bugfix RT54157

The root folder of a channel was missing the object properties, that are assigned to the master node. Only the object properties that are available to all nodes were possible to use.
This has been fixed now. The root folder of a channel will now have the same object properties available as any other folder of the channel (and the master node).

Bugfix RT54491

When using quick recursive translation to create language variants, an issue in caching
caused newly created pages not to be displayed in the page list. This has been fixed.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.11

Bugfix RT50917

The object lists for localizable objects (folders, pages, templates, files and images) in channels have a column Master that should show the name of the node, to which the master object belongs to.
This column however showed the name of the node, the displayed object belongs to, which made channel-local and localized objects indistinguishable.
This has been fixed now, the Master column will now show the current channel for channel-local objects and the name of the node/channel, where the master object belongs to for localized objects.

Bugfix RT53076

When a page with page variants is published, the page variants also get new page versions created. Due to a caching error, it sometimes happened, that although a new version was created for the page variants, the next publish process rendered the older version of the page variant.
This has been fixed now, so that when a page variants gets a new version created, the cache will always be cleared and that new version will always be published during the next publish run.

Bugfix RT54411

When a user or a group was deleted in Gentics Content.Node, it was not deleted in the todo tool during synchronization. Also, deleting
a group did not trigger synchronization at all. Both issues have been fixed.

Bugfix RT52737

Pagination was added for content tags and template tags when using the repository browser.
It is now possible to navigate through and choose from multiple pages of tags in a tag fill.

Bugfix RT50917

Several issues in the export selection dialog have been fixed:

  • When exporting objects from channels, the node name of the master object of localized or local objects will now be shown.
  • In some circumstances, images or files were shown multiple times in the list of exported objects. This has been fixed now.
  • Objects shown in the list of exportable objects will now also be sorted by name, if they are sorted by another attribute (e.g. when they are sorted by type).

Bugfix RT54298

Internet Explorer 8, in “Browser Mode: IE8“ / “Document Mode:IE7-Standards”,
will no longer warn that a script is taking a long time to complete when
initializing an page that contains many tags.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.10

Manual Change

The implementation of the Aloha Editor Page Link Tagtype in the guides contained an error. This erroneous implementation caused multiple problems when editing pages containing links, among them the inability to remove the links. It is strongly recommended to update the implementation for the Aloha Editor Page Link tagtype according to the updated guides example.

Bugfix RT50986

When using the old minibrowser (that is still used when the feature multichannelling is not turned on) in the tag fill dialog, when doing a search, any modified entries in the form fields were lost.
This has been fixed now, using the search in the minibrowser will preserve any changes in the form fields now.

Bugfix RT54526

When exporting a folder that contains a template, which is never used and templates were generally excluded, the template cause an unresolvable conflict on the target system, if it did not exist there.
This is not necessary, since the template would only have been exported, because it is assigned to the exported folder, and not because it is used by a page.
The behaviour of exlusion has been modified now: Excluded objects will only create unresolvable conflicts, if they are really used by objects and not only assigned to folders or nodes.

Bugfix RT54220

File upload: Fixed the button in the fallback file uploader (JS-uploader) not being clickable in IE 7 and IE 8.

Bugfix RT54671

GCN JS API Frontend editing: Fixed javascript error when frontend editing is done without loading a page.

Bugfix RT54614

This change fixes a JS error that sometimes occurred when replacing tags via Javascript in Internet Explorer 8, caused by missing HTML closing tags.

Bugfix RT54591

Export: Fixed SGB error occuring when selecting a object type in the Administration/Content.Admin and no objects of this type have been selected.
Also fixed SGB occuring when viewing files in the administration, independent of if files have been selected or not.

Bugfix RT54220

File upload: Fixed the file uploader not working when the flash version was too old.
It now always correctly falls back to the Javascript uploader in this case.

Bugfix RT54671

GCN JS API Frontend editing: Fixed “callback is undefined” javascript error.

Bugfix RT54489

Fixed problems when using instant publishing and multichannelling: When objects were localized, the localized copies were instantly written into the content repository, but the former inherited object was not instantly removed.
When localized copies were deleted, they were also instantly removed from the content repository, but the inherited object was not instantly written into the content repository.
The behaviour has been fixed now, so that always either the localized copy or the inherited object is present in the content repository (exclusively).

Bugfix RT54628

Page languages: Fixed setting the language of a page using “Set page language“ added a language code to the filename, even when the feature “contentgroup3_pagefilename” was set to false.

Bugfix RT54653

Fixed i18n translation not working when GCN throws a SGB error.

Bugfix RT54661

Multithreading: Fixed a rare issue in which concurrent access to a translation table could cause publish workers to get stuck.

Bugfix RT54264

When creating, saving or publishing pages using the REST API using multiple threads or clients, a database deadlock could occur while creating page versions.
When this happened, some of the REST API requests failed and the changes made by them were rolled back.
This deadlock situations have been fixed now, so it is now possible to create, save and publish pages in a multithreaded manner without any database deadlock problems.

Bugfix RT54684

Fixed possible DB locks during a publish process, when instant publishing and the feature contentfile_auto_offline were used together.

Bugfix RT54424

Fixed reloading the tree, when a new folder is created.

Bugfix RT54723

Fixed a bug tied to menu permissions which caused a system error when viewing the languages of a node.

Bugfix RT54696

Fixed handling exclusion/inclusion of templates in the new export.
When a folder is exported that contains a template and templates are generally excluded, but the template is included, the template was show as being exported, but was marked as excluded in the export file.
This has been fixed now, when an object is marked as included, it will always really be included in the export.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.9

Bugfix RT53236

Multichannelling: Fixed multiple bugs when linking templates from channels to other folders.
Fixed the template link function allowing linking templates to folders that shouldn‘t be linkable.
Now it‘s not possible anymore to link templates to localized folders. In channels, templates can only be linked to local folders or folders of the master node.
It‘s also not possible anymore to link local templates from channels to other nodes.
Also fixed that linking localized templates to other node folders didn‘t work correctly. Now it correctly links the master template, and not the localized template.
More information on the multichannelling feature can be found in the GCN guides.

Bugfix RT54493

Fixed a possible NullPointerException during the publish run due to a rare threading problem.

Bugfix RT54580

Export: Added back missing images to the left assistent sidebar

Bugfix RT53095

Publishing of page variants together (with a single request) did not work and always resulted in an error message due to a database lock.
This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT54017

With this fix there is no longer an error if a folder object property is applied to subfolders where duplicate properties exist.
Instead, the inconsistency is cleaned up at this point.

Bugfix RT54423

Page time management: Fixed SGB occuring when setting a date with a year above 2037.
The highest year setable in GCN is 2037.

Bugfix RT54074

SQL cursors were sometimes not closed properly after an exception in the database has occurred. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT54540

Fixed a bug that caused incorrect rendering of static URLs in projects, that publish only into a content repository, but not into the filesystem.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.8

Bugfix RT53896

File Upload Manipulator: Fixed the timeouts for accessing the FUM-URL being too short.
Before the fix, accessing the FUM sometimes resulted in a socket-timeout.
The timeout for establishing the connection has now been set to 5000ms and the timeout for reading the FUM response has been set to 15000ms.
Additionally, the exception-logging on FUM errors has been improved.

Bugfix RT54320

If an import references an object (like a URL or an image) that does not exist on the target system,
this reference no longer points to another target on the system, but is set to be empty until the
referred object is added.

Bugfix RT54386

GCN JS API: Fixed the page property object “timeManagement” not being writeable.
It is now writable, see the GCN JS API page documentation.

Bugfix RT54273

Because of an issue in the GCN JS API, it was sometimes not possible
to insert Javascript into a tag in live editing mode when using Firefox.
This fix corrects this behaviour.

Bugfix RT54499

Mandatory tags: Fixed possible error occuring when publishing a page with a mandatory tag that has a missing value.
Also fixed that tags appears multiple times in the error message.

Bugfix RT52367

Pages preview: Fixed broken menu when following a content link to another page in GCN.
The menu now also works when going to a new page. Also going from this new page to the folder view works now correctly.

Bugfix RT54424

Fixed a bug that that caused the create folder dialog to be redisplayed after creating a new folder (instead of returning to the page list of the parent folder).

Bugfix RT50850

When pages were moved between nodes, in some scenarios the page was not removed from the published filesystem of the source node.
This has been fixed now. When pages are moved out of a node, that publishes into the filesystem, the page will no longer be written into the filesystem for that node.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.7

Enhancement RT54143

A performance issue with the overview part type was resolved. In some cases the part type would render multiple times slower than expected.


Fixed closing database connections at the end of a multithreaded publish run.
Under special circumstances, it could happen, that some database connections were left open for too long, which possibly could lead to too many open database connections.

Bugfix RT54304

After confirming the folder properties dialog the correct folder will be highlighted in the tree when using Multichannelling.

Bugfix RT54240

Added missing guides documentation for appendBlock() Gentics Aloha Content.Node
Intergration Plugin API method.

Bugfix RT53383

Fixed an incorrect title in the todo tool.

Bugfix RT51491

Saving a page will now automatically strip all tags from it‘s name, e.g. ”Very important page“ will be changed to “Very important page” when saving.

Bugfix RT54164

Removed a permissions check when using the ‘show usage‘ function since users are only shown results for objects they have permission to view anyway. This resolves an error that caused an SGB to be shown when results for the ‘show usage‘ search contained entries in folders the user did not have permission to view.

Bugfix RT54269

An issue with navigation via history and quickjump was solved which caused node-information not to be passed.
Sometimes this led to wrong tag-types being available when editing pages.

Bugfix RT54332

Added indexes on the folder table to increase performance for multichannelling-enabled systems when looking up tree permissions.

Bugfix RT54258

Opening the tree to show a specific folder (e.g. because the preview of a page in a different than the current folder was shown) was done inefficiently and could take a long time.
In extreme cases, this could lead to a blank frame shown instead of the tree.
The performance of opening the tree has been improved now, so that blank frames should not happen any longer.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.6

Bugfix RT54334

Fixed possible data inconsistencies with scheduler tasks.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.5

Bugfix RT54088

When scheduler tasks were running longer than the configured wait_timeout of the backend database (defaults to 8 hours), the scheduler lost the connection to the database and could not set the endtime, return value and output of the job.
This resulted in incorrect display of the job runs in the scheduler UI. Tasks, that took longer than 8 hours to run were not shown in the UI.
This has been fixed now, so that also very long running tasks will be correctly shown in the job run list.

Bugfix RT54088

When using multithreaded publishing, it could happen that some database connections to the backend database were closed, because they were idle for too long (default setting is 8 hours).
This could happen, if many pages were published into content repositories and writing the pages into the content repository took very long (actually more than 8 hours longer than rendering all the pages).
This has been fixed now: All open database connections to the backend will regularly (every hour) be kept alive by issuing a dummy statement.

Bugfix RT54258

Fixed reloading the tree too often, when opening the preview of pages in the backend.

Bugfix RT54137

When a page is published and an error occurs while writing the page into the content repository (instant publishing), the user will now see an appropriate message.

Bugfix RT54272

Fixed a bug where a false-positive error message would occur when clicking “OK” in the folder properties dialog of a localized folder in a channel.


A javascript error within the scheduler task view was fixed. In some cases a javascript error occured when the user triggered the delete action for a scheduler task. The error only occured for tasks that were used by other tasks.

Bugfix RT54315

Fixed an issue with scrollbars being hidden in IFrames in Firefox 20.

Bugfix RT54088

The display of remaining pages on the start screen did not change when multithreaded publishing was used. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT54077

Fixed localize() function in GCN JS API, which was broken in a previous release.

Bugfix RT52846

Fixed a multithreading problem when rendering multiple page variants containing a tag with a part of type “Table ext“ at the same time.
This rare case could happen, when page variants with a “Table ext” part type were republished and multithreaded publishing was enabled.
Before this fix, the tables were possible rendered incomplete (some cells were missing).

Bugfix RT52789

Fixed removing objects that were deleted in the backend from the content repository.
When an object is removed during a publish run and the content repository has instant publishing enabled, it could happen, that the object would not be removed from the content repository in the following publish run.

Bugfix RT53910

Groups of translators in the todo-tool are now sorted alphabetically to match the view in the administration tree.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.4

Bugfix RT53984

The gcn-plugin will now also insert leading and following paragraphs for Contenttags with an inline element (e.g. span) as it‘s root tag, to enable editors to add contents before or after this tag.


Fixed JavaScript error “Cannot read property ‘tagname‘ of undefined gcnjsapi.js:5905”
that occured when saving a page after creating a new link.

Bugfix RT54173

A bug was fixed that caused errors when editing image-URLs in tagtypes, if no node was previously selected.

Bugfix RT50864

Fixed an inconsistency that occurred when creating and editing templates. When adding template tags, a check is now performed to ensure that the tag type being used is also linked with the template‘s node. Previously all template tags were automatically linked with a default construct, which on some systems had been deleted. This led to errors while exporting to other systems since the template had a dependency that could not be resolved if the default tag type was no longer available.

Bugfix RT54207

Previously, if the user selected a language and then changed to a node in which this
language was not activated, newly created pages would wrongly be created with this locale.
After this fix, the first active language of the node is used instead.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.3

Bugfix RT54125

Added an automatic reset of old (and no longer necessary) FTP node settings that have been leftover from older systems (those that have been updated from a version prior to Gentics Content.Node 5.4.0).

Bugfix RT53835

GCN JS API, TagAPI.removeTag(): Fixed the callbacks not getting called correctly.
Also fixed the documentation. You can only pass the keyword of a tag in here, not an Id.

Bugfix RT54130

Fixed possible DB Lock Timeout when using instant publishing and an object was published during a long running publish process.

Bugfix RT54117

Fixed a problem with paging when skipping to the last page of a list of items that would cause a list of empty items to be displayed.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.2

Bugfix RT53746

This fix allows HTML-formatted text (like abbreviations or text-decorations) to be stored inside the text-field of a link, when using the Aloha-Editor plugin.

Bugfix RT53839

A caching-issue was fixed that prevented custom sort orders for overview-tags to be updated correctly.

Bugfix RT53943

Node list: Fixed the creator and the last editor of a node not being shown in the black tooltip.


This fix solves a temporary issue in the image-manipulation-plugin, which made it impossible to save changes to the image.

Bugfix RT53935

GCN JS API: Fixed the tag.part() (prop) function overwriting the part value with ‘undefined‘ and returning ‘undefined‘.
It now correctly returns the value again when not passing a value to set as second argument.

Bugfix RT54003

Removed unnecessary attributes “text“, “cls“, “iconCls“ and “leaf“ from the Template model class.
Before this fix, loading templates with the Java REST API client failed with: Unrecognized field “text” (Class, not marked as ignorable.

Bugfix RT53921

Uploading images via the multifileupload now works even if the image does not contain JFIF-information. In this case, default values for DPI are assumed.

Bugfix RT54011

Lists: Fixed a bug where the list filtering did not work anymore, introduced with GCN 5.12.0.
This problem occured among others in the object property list, the scheduler, datasources and import/export.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.1


Fixed a SQL statement of the update process, which possibly failed.

Bugfix RM6321

A warning notification will now be displayed next to the href field of the Aloha
Link plugin when it is detected that the href value may unintentionally result
in an potentially invalid internal link.

Bugfix RT53850

Added further log output when an error is encountered when rending tags, specifically for the case when an endtag has no corresponding opening tag, the name of the tag in question will now also be logged.

Bugfix RT53460

Fixed a problem with tags being sometimes duplicated when viewing template sourcecode.

Bugfix RT52133

The documentation for the Custom Form Part Type was corrected. The correct name for the variable that is used to retrieve the html entity of a form is nodevalue.

Gentics Content.Node 5.12.0

Please note that this release contains strict database checks. The update may fail when existing database inconsistencies are detected.

Manual Change

The Gentics Update site was changed with this update in order to provide the new Feature Releases.

The new update site is Please whitelist this domain and the port 443 on your server.
The previous update site was Please refer to the Autoupdate Guides Page for more information on how to provide the update file manually.

Enhancement RT53014

Added ‘pageStatus‘ attribute to page objects requested via the REST API.

Enhancement RT53254

Tags that contain script tags will now have their scripts tags properly rendered onto the page when closing the TagFill dialog. Furthermore, the scripts will only be executed after the rest of the contents of the tag have been rendered and are present on the page, and not before.


A possible bottleneck in the internal communication between PHP and Java was removed.


The Gentics Content.Node Autoupdate Scheduler Task was deprecated.


The Gentics Content.Node Autoupdate was updated. It is now possible to update to any newer released version. The testing update site was depreciated. Only releases will be shown within the drop down menu.


A possible SQL Error was fixed within the publish process.

Enhancement RM4207

The new feature contentfileauto_offline_ allows to configure nodes, for which images and files, that are not used by other objects (pages, folders) will not be published into the filesystem or contentrepository.

Enhancement RM6756

It is now possible to configure separate node publish directories for pages and binaries (images and files).
All existing nodes will initially have the same publish directories set, so existing implementations will not change.

It is important to note, that if an implementation directly uses the property pubdir_ of a node object for files or images, this should be changed to use the new property pubdir_bin_.
Otherwise the implementation would fail if separate publish directories are used.

Enhancement RM6727

It is now possible to flag template tags as “mandatory” and thereby force editors to fill all their required parts before the page in which they are in can be published.

Enhancement RM5973

Added a MessageAPI interface to the GCN JS API.
This interface contains the following new methods:
MessageAPI.send(), MessageAPI.list(),

More information about this new interface can be found in the Gentics Content.Node Guides

Enhancement RM6214

Implemented the feature “live_urls”.
The feature can be enabled in the configuration with $FEATURE[‘live_urls‘] = true;

More information about this new feature can be found in the Gentics Content.Node Guides

Enhancement RM6734

Improved part() method of tag objects in GCN JS API to be able to change select and multiselect parts values by receiving strings, arrays, as well as objects.

Bugfix RT53474

When a non-editable block-element is inserted into an Aloha editable, an empty helper-paragraph is inserted at the beginning and/or end of the editable.
Previous to this hotfix, these helpers were not correctly removed / cleaned up if the page was saved while an active focus was still inside the editable element.

Bugfix RT53706

Avoid checking and generation of global IDs for tables, that contain data, that is not exported.
Especially checking for global IDs of table perm could take very long and could possibly interfer with normal CMS operations for some time after the Tomcat is restarted.


A javascript error was fixed that occured when the folder upload tag part was shown in a tagfill dialog that was opened within the frontend edting mode.

Bugfix RT53477

Fixed premature publishing of pages that were created and then moved (without being published before)
in a node that published into a content repository with instant publishing enabled.

Bugfix RT53635

Fixed instant publishing of objects, that were localized in channels.
Before this fix, the objects were rendered in the scope of their master node, not the channel.
This caused e.g. URLs to be wrong, because they contained the hostname of the master and not the channel.
The incorrect data in the content repository of the channel was automatically corrected during the following publish run.

Bugfix RT53506

When comparing the current page version with the last published version,
the comparison now falls back to a previously published version if the current
version is unchanged since it was last published, so that the page is not
compared to itself.

Bugfix RT53596

Page list sorting: Fixed SGB occuring when ordering the list by page variations.
This could only happen when the feature “pageusage_variants” was enabled.
The page list, template list and folder list will now always use the Rest-API for loading the data.
Previously the Rest-API was only used when multichannelling was enabled.

Bugfix RT53758

Publishing pages in channels into the filesystem did not work correctly, when multithreaded publishing was used. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RM7332

A permission check within the node properties dialog was fixed. Previously some users experienced an SGB error when trying to edit the properties of a previously created channel.

Bugfix RT53383

Fixed the language selection in the Todo-Tool. It now correctly displays only
the languages activated in the active node, and does so in the order specified
in the node by the custom sort order.
Additionally, synchronizing users, groups and languages now works with
significantly increased performance.

Bugfix RT53046

Images and files are now handled separately in the REST-API (and the corresponding GCN JS API), which means file load requests can only be made with file IDs. Previously, file load requests could be made with image IDs to return the file properties of images.

Bugfix RT52865

Fixed a performance issue while editing or publishing pages containing many (several hundred or thousand) tags, or having many language variants.
Due to inefficient sql statements while clearing the cache for modified pages, e.g. filling a page tag or publishing the page could take very long.

Bugfix RT53378

An error in rendering the URLs of files published to content repositories was fixed so that whether or not the links are stored with or without the hostname is now done as configured with Linkway.

Bugfix RT47489

Fixed possible timeout problems when publishing into a content repository in a very long running transaction.
When publishing into a content repository without using “instant publishing“, a database connection is opened at the beginning, which will be used during the whole publish process.
There may be situations, where specific connections are not used for a long time (e.g. when many objects have to be published into another content repository), which may cause the database server (or any networking component in between the client and the server) to close the connection.
To fix this, the publish process will regularly issue “dummy” SQL statements to all connections to content repository databases, if they were not used for longer than the configured time span.
The interval can be configured in the variable $CONTENTMAP_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL (in seconds), the default value is 3600 (1 hour).

Bugfix RT53265

Fixed the sorting of folder names requested over the Rest API to correctly handle German special characters, which is relevant for features such as the Repository Browser.

Bugfix RT53199

A small error in the todo-tool was fixed that occurred during mouse-over of lists because of missing tooltip functionality.

Bugfix RT53375

Media archive image import: Fixed SGB occuring after selecting an image in the media archive and returning to the tagfill dialog.

Bugfix RT53018

Fixed a possible NullPointerException when using Multithreaded Publishing into ContentRepositories.


The included profiler webapp file was renamed from profiler.war to Profiler.war. This also fixes the access path for the profiler from /profiler to /Profiler.

In order to access the profiler, the path /Profiler must be added to the JkMounts of the apache configuration.

The profiler webapp is secured with basic authentication for the roles manager or gentics. In order to gain access, the application server must be configured for basic authentication, e.g. by adding an appropriate user in /Node/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml

Bugfix RT52759

Fixed the two-column-menu, which is shown if the list of menu entries would not fit inside the browser-window, to be moved to the left if it would exceed the width of the frame otherwise.

Bugfix RT52692

A workaround for a Microsoft SQL JDBC Driver issue was applied. Previously the publish process would stall when publishing directly in a Content.Repository that needed column changes. (eg. new quick columns)

Bugfix RT53391

After a change in the messaging-system, confirmation-alerts were displayed even after successful actions. This was reworked to suppress alerts on success in order to improve usability.

Bugfix RT52849

Node languages: Fixed a rare case where the language could not be sorted anymore, when it had a sortorder of 0.
Also enhanced the listing order. Activated language will be listed at the beginning now.