Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.12.17

Manual Change

Validation feature: Fixed special characters like umlauts in strings (eg.: filenames when uploading files), causing the strict AntiSamy validation to fail.

AntiSamy is now updated to version 1.5.2, which introduces a new setting “entityEncodeIntlChars” that can disable the encoding of special characters.

If you are using validation and have a antisamy.custom.xml file (probably in /Node/etc/), you have to add the following setting to it in order to fix the strict validation:

<directive name="entityEncodeIntlChars" value="false"/>

Bugfix RT54941

A race condition producing exceptions on concurrent database accesses (e.g. multithreaded page create REST calls) has been fixed.

Bugfix RT55242

Folder property dialog now disables the form fields and removes the OK button if you are not allowed to change the folder properties.

Bugfix RT55475

This fix improves visibility constraints for the tagmap editor if the user does not have permission
to access it by removing it from the menus of the contentrepository, thus avoiding permission exceptions.

Bugfix RT55394

Fixed saving pages not working when the magiclink tagtype “gtxalohapagelink“ was not linked to the node where the page is in.
When clicking “Save” in the menu it appearently didn‘t do anything.

Bugfix RT55451

Import/Export: Fixed the automatic export download system (via URL) not working anymore because the export system denies the connection.

Bugfix RT55217

Feature Live URLs: Fixed liveurl icon not being displayed in the page list sometimes.

Bugfix RT55328

When the data should be checked or repaired in a content repository and this caused an Exception (e.g. due to connection problems, an invalid URL, locking issues, ...), the task to do the checking/repairing remained in the dirtqueue until the problem was resolved.
This blocked all subsequent dirtqueue entries, including the publish process.
This behaviour has been fixed now, Exceptions thrown during the checking/repairing process will now be logged as result of the action (visible in the UI for the content repository) and the dirtqueue entry will be removed.

Bugfix RT55313

New object tags are now correctly prefilled with the default values of the underlying tagtype in the tag fill form.

Bugfix RT54461

The behavior of instant publishing was changed to disable immediate removal of deleted objects in ContentRepositories when deleting multiple objects at a time.

Bugfix RT55324

Overview: Fixed pages that were marked for publishing and then delayed in the “Maintenance”, not showing up
in overview listings when publishing the page again. The delay_publish value was not cleared when the page was published.

Bugfix RT54936

Long running imports caused some unnecessary locks in the DB, which caused problems while changing objects (pages, folders, ...), even if those objects were not touched by the import.
Those unnecessary locks will be avoided now, so that modification of unrelated objects or creation of new objects will be possible now.
It is however still the case that objects, which were modified by the import will be locked by the database until the import process finishes.

Bugfix RT55299

When listing the templates included in an export, the used SQL statement was very inperformant and could take a very long time.
This has been fixed now, display of templates is much faster now.

Bugfix RT55496

Fix possible not threadsafe usage of the database driver when using multithreaded publishing to write into several ContentRepositories during very long publish runs.

Bugfix RT55239

Creating files in the REST API where the number suffix (name_number.extension) in the given filename
exceeded maximum integer limits previously caused an exception. The algorithm calculating filename suggestions
for existing filenames has been improved to avoid these issues in the future.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.23.12-commercial – 04.07.2013