Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.12.25

Bugfix RT56127

Create page: Fixed error that ocurred when no filename was given and there was another file in the same publish path with an empty filename. Also fixed broken i18n translation for this error messages.

Bugfix RT56174

Fixed the assignment of constructs to nodes during the import.

Bugfix RT55141

Fixed GCNs internal sorting function not respecting whitespace in strings like MySQLs sorting does.
This caused the repository browsers to sort entries (nodes, folders) with whitespaces in the name differently than the main GCN node tree did.

Bugfix RT56138

Import: Fixed permission bug when importing content repositories.
The group used for importing never got the “Assign user permissions”-permission flag.
Therefore users were never able to grant permissions for imported content repositories to other groups.

Bugfix RT56098

A performance issue has been fixed that slowed down the listing of files/images in
folders with a big number of files/images.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.23.18-commercial – 28.08.2013