Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.12.10

Manual Change

The implementation of the Aloha Editor Page Link Tagtype in the guides contained an error. This erroneous implementation caused multiple problems when editing pages containing links, among them the inability to remove the links. It is strongly recommended to update the implementation for the Aloha Editor Page Link tagtype according to the updated guides example.

Bugfix RT50986

When using the old minibrowser (that is still used when the feature multichannelling is not turned on) in the tag fill dialog, when doing a search, any modified entries in the form fields were lost.
This has been fixed now, using the search in the minibrowser will preserve any changes in the form fields now.

Bugfix RT54526

When exporting a folder that contains a template, which is never used and templates were generally excluded, the template cause an unresolvable conflict on the target system, if it did not exist there.
This is not necessary, since the template would only have been exported, because it is assigned to the exported folder, and not because it is used by a page.
The behaviour of exlusion has been modified now: Excluded objects will only create unresolvable conflicts, if they are really used by objects and not only assigned to folders or nodes.

Bugfix RT54220

File upload: Fixed the button in the fallback file uploader (JS-uploader) not being clickable in IE 7 and IE 8.

Bugfix RT54671

GCN JS API Frontend editing: Fixed javascript error when frontend editing is done without loading a page.

Bugfix RT54614

This change fixes a JS error that sometimes occurred when replacing tags via Javascript in Internet Explorer 8, caused by missing HTML closing tags.

Bugfix RT54591

Export: Fixed SGB error occuring when selecting a object type in the Administration/Content.Admin and no objects of this type have been selected.
Also fixed SGB occuring when viewing files in the administration, independent of if files have been selected or not.

Bugfix RT54220

File upload: Fixed the file uploader not working when the flash version was too old.
It now always correctly falls back to the Javascript uploader in this case.

Bugfix RT54671

GCN JS API Frontend editing: Fixed “callback is undefined” javascript error.

Bugfix RT54489

Fixed problems when using instant publishing and multichannelling: When objects were localized, the localized copies were instantly written into the content repository, but the former inherited object was not instantly removed.
When localized copies were deleted, they were also instantly removed from the content repository, but the inherited object was not instantly written into the content repository.
The behaviour has been fixed now, so that always either the localized copy or the inherited object is present in the content repository (exclusively).

Bugfix RT54628

Page languages: Fixed setting the language of a page using “Set page language“ added a language code to the filename, even when the feature “contentgroup3_pagefilename” was set to false.

Bugfix RT54653

Fixed i18n translation not working when GCN throws a SGB error.

Bugfix RT54661

Multithreading: Fixed a rare issue in which concurrent access to a translation table could cause publish workers to get stuck.

Bugfix RT54264

When creating, saving or publishing pages using the REST API using multiple threads or clients, a database deadlock could occur while creating page versions.
When this happened, some of the REST API requests failed and the changes made by them were rolled back.
This deadlock situations have been fixed now, so it is now possible to create, save and publish pages in a multithreaded manner without any database deadlock problems.

Bugfix RT54684

Fixed possible DB locks during a publish process, when instant publishing and the feature contentfile_auto_offline were used together.

Bugfix RT54424

Fixed reloading the tree, when a new folder is created.

Bugfix RT54723

Fixed a bug tied to menu permissions which caused a system error when viewing the languages of a node.

Bugfix RT54696

Fixed handling exclusion/inclusion of templates in the new export.
When a folder is exported that contains a template and templates are generally excluded, but the template is included, the template was show as being exported, but was marked as excluded in the export file.
This has been fixed now, when an object is marked as included, it will always really be included in the export.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.23.7-commercial – 02.05.2013