Gentics Portal.Node Changelog Summary

Gentics Portal.Node 4.5.1


Various internal logging methods have been slightly adapted to improve performance.

Gentics Portal.Node 4.5.0

The Portal.Node SDK Updatesite will be deprecated in the future. Please take a look at the manual update guide for the Portal.Node SDK. The guide explains how to manually update your SDK.


The Portal implements now an additional Feature from JSR-286 Portal Standard. Each PortletRequest now holds information about its lifecycle phase as attribute with the key: PortletRequest.LIFECYCLE_PHASE. Please see the linked standard specification for more details.


It is now possible to store boolean values into Integer attributes of datasources. True will be converted to 1 and False to 0.


When reading data from a multichannelling content repository datasource, that is written by Gentics Content.Node Version >= 5.16, data for optimized attributes will now be read from the table “contentmap“ and not “contentattribute“ any more, because optimized attributes will no longer be stored in the table “contentattribute”.


The “cacheKeyQueryParameters” servlet configuration parameter is supported again in the GenticsImageStore-Servlet. It allows to select URL parameters to be included in the cache key and in the fetch URL of the original image.


The Portal.Node Maven IDE Guide will explain how to use Portal.Node and maven together. An example project has been created.


When using the PortalConnectorFactory to create datasource instances based on properties but without specifying an ID, creating instances with identical datasource properties but different handle properties always returned the same datasource (the one registered first). This has been fixed now, different handle properties will now also result in different datasource instances.

Bugfix RT57448

A possible NPE when handling an invalid action URL for a DatasourceListComponent has been fixed. The invalid action URL could be caused by sending an invalid or empty session ID with the URL.

Bugfix RT57647

Fetching a linked object from an object stored in a multichannelling aware datasource possibly failed with an error like “Linked object [contentid] for attribute [name] of [object] does not exist” when the current channel of the datasource was not correctly set. This has been fixed now, getting linked objects will work regardless of the currently set channels (and will fetch the object from the channel of the object holding the link).

Bugfix RT57801

When a portlet or component tried to fetch a datasource from the portal, but no specific datasource was configured for the portlet or component, an error occurred, that the datasource “CN” could not be found. This error will now be suppressed.

Bugfix RT57873

commons-fileupload has been updated to 1.3.1 in order to avoid a DoS vulnerability (CVE-2014–0050)