Editor User-Interface Proxy

The Editor User-Interface Proxy allows one to specify an internal resource which can only be accessed after first being authenticated. This is usually done for endpoints/features which require a logged in user, but are not commonly used in the User-Interface.


  1. Usage

  2. Options

1 Usage

The proxy checks if the user is logged in or not. If the user isn’t signed in yet, it’ll follow the regular login workflow of the CMS.

Once the user is authenticated, it’ll redirect the user directly to the ressource.

Important: You cannot redirect the user to a different domain.

All query-parameters (except the ones specified in Options), are forwarded to the specified ressource.




2 Options

Following query-parameters can be added (which will be filtered out), to customize the behaviour of the proxy:

Parameter Type Default Description
gcms-background-download boolean false If the ressource is a download and should be downloaded in the background. Will open the regular editor-ui once the download is finished.
gcms-download-method GET, POST, PUT GET Specifies which HTTP-Method to use when downloading. Only used with the background download.
gcms-download-file-name string ‘gcms-download_{timestamp}’ The file-name when downloading the file for the user. Only used with the background download.
gcms-new-tab boolean false If it should open the Ressource in a new separate tab instead.