Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.25.0

Date: 30.09.2016

Manual Change

The new Gentics CMS UI requires an additional symlink within the htdocs folder. You can create the needed symlink using the following command:
ln -s /Node/.node/ui /Node/var/httpd/htdocs/.Node/ui

Enhancement GCU-76

An additional REST endpoint for users has been added. The endpoint rest/user/save/{id} can be used to update user specific information.

Enhancement GCU-121

The REST API has been enhanced:

  • The endpoint rest/folder/getFolders/{id} has a new query parameter privilegeMap to get the privileges on each folder in a map representation
  • The endpoint rest/perm/{type}/{id} has a new query parameter map to get the privileges in a map representation

Enhancement GCU-29

The inheritedFromId, and masterNodeId fields have been added to the NodeLoadResponse. These fields contain the structural information that is needed to build up the node/channel tree.

Enhancement GTXPE-37

The part type Overview has a new setting Sticky Channel, which allows selecting objects from specific channels in overviews. Please consult the section about the Overview Part Type in the Guides for further information.

Enhancement GCU-28

The REST responses of FileLoadResponse, ImageLoadResponse, PageLoadResponse and FolderLoadResponse have been enhanced. Additional fields (masterNodeId, inheritedFromId) which identify the corresponding multichanneling nodes via id have been added.

Enhancement GTXPE-36

The following part types have been extended to store the node from which internal target objects were selected:

  • URL (page)
  • URL (image)
  • URL (file)
  • URL (folder)

Those part types will expose the node as attribute node and the node ID as attribute nodeId. Please see the Meta Attributes in the Guides for implementation details. Also consult the guides page about the Aloha Editor Page Link Tag
It is important to note, that this change breaks Import/Export compatibility with older version of the Gentics CMS. It will no longer be possible to import data containing URL parttypes from Gentics CMS Version starting with 5.25.0 to Gentics CMS Versions older than

  • 5.21.40 (Michelangelo)
  • 5.22.36 (Raphael)
  • 5.23.17 (Grizzly)
  • 5.24.7 (Georg)

Enhancement GTXPE-42

It is now possible to deactivate default Aloha Editor Plugins in general or on a per node basis. Please consult the Guides for further information.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.18 – 21.09.2016

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.40