Overview Part Type

1 Part Settings

The dialog for editing a part of type Overview has the following additional checkbox fields:

Field Description
Page Restrict the listable objects to pages
Folder Restrict the listable objects to folders
File Restrict the listable objects to files
Image Restrict the listable objects to images
Folder (selection type) Restrict the selection type to listing objects from selected folders
Individual (selection type) Restrict the selection type to listing individually selected objects
Automatically from the current folder (selection type) Restrict the selection type to listing objects from the current folder
Hide sort options Hide the sort options in the tagfill dialog
Sticky Channel Make the channel from which objects are selected “sticky” (only available for feature Multichannelling)

The settings define, how overviews can be filled in the tagfill dialog. The settings are explained in detail in the following sections.

1.1 Page, Folder, File, Image

Those four checkboxes define, which objects can be listed in tags. If none is checked, all four options are available in the tagfill dialog. If some checkboxes are checked, the options in the tagfill dialog are restricted to the checked ones.

Overview tags can only list one type of objects. The checkboxes in the part definition dialog only define the possible options.

1.2 Selection Types (Folder, Individual, Automatically from the current folder)

Those three checkboxes define the options for how the listed objects are selected. If none is checked, all three options are available in the tagfill dialog. If some checkboxes are checked, the options in the tagfill dialog are restricted to the checked ones.

1.3 Hide sort options

When this checkbox is checked, the tagfill dialog will not contain fields to select, how the objects in the overview are sorted.

1.4 Sticky Channel

Normally, for overviews it does not matter, from which channel the objects are selected. Rendering will always be done in the scope of the channel for which the overview is rendered.

Example: A page P from node N is selected for an overview. The page has a localized copy L in channel C. When the overview is rendered in the scope of node N, it will show the page P, when the overview is rendered in the scope of channel C, it will show the localized copy L.

When the checkbox Sticky Channel is checked, the objects listed in the overview will be rendered in the scope of the channel, from which they were selected, regardless of the channel, for which the overview is rendered. This also enables selection of the same object multiple times from different channels.

Example: When the page P is selected from node N and its localized copy L is selected from channel C, the overview will always show P and L, no matter, for which channel the overview is rendered.