Gentics .Node Changelog Summary

Gentics .Node 2.4.5

Bugfix SUP-15288

Some dependencies have been updated:

  • imageio: 3.9.4
  • tika: 1.28.5
  • commons-fileupload: 1.5
  • nekohtml: 1.9.22
  • xml-apis: 1.4.01

Gentics .Node 2.4.4

Enhancement SUP-10093

CookieHelper has been extended to include SameSite attribute into cookies. Default attribute value is Lax.

Gentics .Node 2.4.3


The version of the logging library has been updated to log4j 2.17.1.

Gentics .Node 2.4.2


A possible error when writing binary data into a Content.Repository has been fixed.

Gentics .Node 2.4.1


Some wrapper methods have been added to the NodeLogger.

Gentics .Node 2.4.0

The java source code for this project will now be compiled for JDK 1.8. Gentics .Node classes are no longer executable with JDK 1.7 and older JDKs.

Manual Change

The version of the logging library has been updated to log4j 2.17.0.

This also requires a dependency on Jackson for YAML databinding.
This requires the following changes:

  • log4j Configuration files need to be migrated to log4j2. It is recommended to use the YAML format.
  • Projects, which depend on node-lib and directly use any classes from log4j1 need to be migrated to use the corresponding classes from log4j2 (where possible).

Please see Log4j 1.x Migration for details.