Likes & comments

The Like plugin and Comment plugin is not included with Gentics Mesh by default. In this article you will learn how to configure this functionality.

Enable Likes plugin

The Likes feature is enabled by default in Gentics Portal | php, which proxies requests to the Like Mesh Plugin. Every requests to http://<portal>/api/like/(.*) will be passed to http://<mesh>/api/v1/<project-name>/plugins/like/ and the portal’s route path will be removed from the request, also if a user is logged in the token will be passed with the request. Generally these endpoints should be used from client-side scripts, so the Gentics Portal | php side configuration is automatically done this way.

Because the plugin is not included by default with Gentics Mesh, please refer to the Gentics Mesh likes plugin documentation for more.

Enable Comments plugin

The Comments feature is enabled by default in Gentics Portal | php, which proxies requests to the Comment Mesh Plugin. Every reques tto http://<portal>/api/comment/(.*) will be passed to http://<mesh>/api/v1/<project-name>/plugins/comment/ and the portal’s route path will be removed from the request, also if a user is logged in the token will be passed with the request. Generally these endpoints should be used from client-side scripts, so the Gentics Portal | php side configuration is automatically done this way.

Because the plugin is not included by default with Gentics Mesh, please refer to the Gentics Mesh comments plugin documentation for more.