Error handling

Gentics Portal | php has a custom error handler. In this article you will learn how to configure and extend this functionality.

Use the Gentics Portal | php error handler

Add an error handler to your Gentics Portal | php feature or project Use Gentics Portal | php error handler By default the custom error handler of Gentics Portal | php is registered, so you don’t have to do anything to make it work.

Custom Error Pages

In production mode Gentics Portal | php error handler can display custom error pages from Gentics Mesh, which you can configure in the config/portal.php file:

'exceptionHandler' => [
    'httpCodes' => [
        404 => 'errors/404.html',
        403 => 'errors/403.html',
    'default' => 'errors/', // [default path]

In the httpCodes array you can assign status codes to pages, the default path is the folder of your error pages where the portal finds for suitable error pages in the following order:

  • [default path] + status code + .html

  • [default path] + default.html

The first valid result will be displayed to the user. The error page view receives the exception in the $exception variable.

It is possible to localize the custom error pages, more information can be found in the Localization documentation.

Custom Error Pages are cached, the cache time can be globally configured in the config/portal.php file:

'cache' => [
  // ...
  'errorPage' => [
      'cacheTime' => 300 // seconds
  // ...

Add an error handler to your Gentics Portal | php feature or project

When you create a specific feature for the Gentics Portal | php you may want catch some exceptions and do actions. Therefor you can extend the custom error handler with your own tasks, like Laravel’s middleware system. You have to implement the Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\ErrorHandler\Contract\ErrorHandler interface, which should have at least a handle() method.

Custom ErrorHandler class

use Exception;
use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\ErrorHandler\Exceptions\Mesh\PermissionException;
use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\ErrorHandler\Contract\ErrorHandler;

 * Class ShinyNewFeatureErrorHandler
 * @package Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\ShinyNewFeature
class ShinyNewFeatureErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler
     * @param $request
     * @param Exception $exception
     * @return bool|mixed
    public function handle($request, Exception $exception)
        // Whenever Mesh PermissionException occurs, then take some actions
        if ($exception instanceof PermissionException) {
            // Return a forbidden page
            abort(Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, $exception->getMessage());

        // If you cannot handle this Exception, you should return always this constant
        return static::CANNOT_HANDLE_THIS_ERROR;

Also you have to register this Error Handler:

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider as ServiceProviderIlluminate;

class ServiceProvider extends ServiceProviderIlluminate
     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        // Register error handling on the top of the stack - note that we are in the same namespace
        // If you want to register at the bottom, you can use the pushErrorHandler() method instead

If you want to add a custom error handler in your project, you should register the error handler in you App’s service provider.

Debugging View

During development, error pages are usually displayed via the "Whoops" package which shows the error in detail for simple debugging. This is usually turned off on staging or production servers, as it’s a security risk and you want to display a nicely formatted error page instead.

To make it possible to identify errors on the server without having to enable a maintanance-mode or similar, you can use a query-parameter to enable it on a per-request basis.

This feature is opt-in and can be enabled by providing a key in the config: portal.debuggerKey, or via the Environment Key: DEBUGGER_KEY.

The key should be a secure one, similar to a password - the longer and complex the better. It’s also recommended to use a different key for each stage and implementation, to minimize security risks in case of a key leak.