
Enable monitoring

To enable monitoring, it has to be enabled in the server configuration and in the BootstrapInitializer implementation:

Server configuration

The following settings are available to configure monitoring for the portal:

    monitoringPort: 8081 (1)

    enabled: true
    ignoreMeshReady: false (1)
    jmxEnabled: true
    port: 3001
1 Make sure that the mesh.monitoringPort is set correctly when setting monitoring.ignoreMeshReady to false. When this setting is false and the portal cannot reach the Mesh monitoring verticle, the status of the portal will also be 503 Service Unavailable.

The configuration above will enable the monitoring server, which will listen on, and the metrics are available via JMX.

It is strongly recommended to bind the monitoring service to only, so it can only be accessed by local services.

Deploying the monitoring verticle

Since the monitoring service runs in its own verticle, it must be explicitly deployed by the BootstrapInitializer implementation. To do so, make sure the verticle is injected either via the @Inject annotation or passed to the constructor, and deploy it in the start() method.

Example bootstrap initializer
public class CustomBootstrapInitializer extends AbstractBootstrapInitializer {

    // ...

    public MonitoringServiceVerticle monitoringService;

    public void start()  {
        vertx.deployVerticle(monitoringService, deploymentHandler);

        // ...

Monitoring endpoints

The monitoring service provides the following endpoints.

Table 1. Table Monitoring endpoints
Endpoint Description Response


Whether the portal is reachable at all

Empty response with status 200 OK when the portal is reachable and no response at all otherwise


Whether the portal has finishes startup and can react to HTTP requests

Empty response with status 200 OK when the portal can react to HTTP requests, or the status 503 Service Unavailable when the portal is still starting


The metrics collected by Vert.x and the portal

The format of the response depends on the used MetricsService implementation

Available metrics services

Currently the only available MetricsService implementation will use metrics provided by Dropwizard and formatted so they can be processed by by the Prometheus monitoring toolkit.

Additional metrics

Aside from the metrics gathered by Vert.x itself, Gentics Portal | java will additionally provide the following metrics:

  • Number of cache hits/misses for content

  • Duration of page rendering

  • Duration of requests to Mesh for

    • Loading content

    • Loading binaries

    • Loading binaries via GIS

    • Loading navigation data

  • Number of outgoing requests in progress

  • Number of outgoing requests in queue

  • Number of outgoing requests per call state

  • bytes sent and received for outgoing requests