In order to generate URLs which are more friendly to search engines, it is possible to

1 Node settings

1.1 Omit page extension

When the setting Omit page extension is activated for a node, the template specific extension (e.g. .html) is not enforced when creating new pages or changing the filename of existing pages.

Changing this setting for a node that already contains pages does not change the filenames of pages. They need to be changed manually in such cases.

1.2 Page language code

The setting Page language code has three possible values:

  • Filename: The language code will be inserted into the filename when generating a new page or changing an existing page.
  • Path: The language code will be included in the publish path (as first segment).
  • None: No language code.

Changing this setting for a node that already contains pages does not change the filenames of pages, but will have an influence on the generated URLs. If a page e.g. contains the language code in the filename (article.en.html) and the setting is changed to Path, the filename will not change, but the language code will be included in the path, which could lead to a URL like /en/news/article.en.html.

The setting Path to include the language code in the publish path will only work properly, when the node property Publish Directory Segments is not activated.

2 Folder translations

It is possible to translate the folder properties Name, Description and Directory into all languages, which are assigned to the Node. If no translation is available for a specific language, the “general” property is used as fallback.

Translation of folder properties is only supported with the new Editor UI.