Import and Export of Channels

Import and Export of Channels allows to transfer Channels from one system to another.

1 Exporting channels

Channels can be exported by selecting them in the export selection dialog. When a channel is exported, only channel specific (i.e. localized or local) objects are exported, but not objects that are inherited from the master object (unless the master itself is exported). Therefore, the object lists for channels only show localized or local objects, but not inherited objects.

When a master is exported, any localized copies of the object are not automatically exported (unless the channel is exported).

2 Importing channels

Channels or channel specific objects can only be imported into systems that

  • Support multichannelling and have the feature enabled
  • Support multichannelled Import
  • Contain all master objects of the imported localized objects, if the master objects are not also imported.

3 Compatibility with older Systems

When trying to import channel specific objects into a system that does not support multichannelled import, an “Internal Error” will occur.

4 Restrictions

  • Channels can only be imported, if the master node is also imported or already exists locally.
  • Localized objects can only be imported, if their master object is also imported or already exists locally.
  • When importing a localized copy onto a system that already has another localized copy of the same master object, there will be a conflict. The conflict can only be resolved by either ignoring the imported object or by first removing the locally existing localized copy.
  • It is not possible to import channel specific objects into systems that do not support multichannelling or have multichannelling disabled.