Overview of when and where to get and use the GCMSUI Bridge for custom UI implementation.

1 Overview

The GCMSUI Bridge is one of the implementation interfaces one can use, to access data from the Editor-UI/CMS, or make it perform certain tasks. In the case of the GCMSUI Bridge, it is available in the Aloha IFrame when opened via the Editor-UI in either the preview or edit mode. Accessing the Bridge is done by the IFrames global GCMSUI object:

window.GCMSUI.openTagEditor(...).then(result => {
    // Handle the result of the tag-editor
}).catch(error => {
    // Handle any error of the tag-editor

Typings and documentation for all the properties and functions are available in the @gentics/cms-integration-api-models package:


import { GcmsUiBridge } from "@gentics/cms-integration-api-models";

declare global {
    interface Window {
        GCMSUI: GcmsUiBridge;

1.1 REST API Interactions

Since custom implementations often times need to load data from the CMS, multiple ways to directly interact with the CMS REST API are provided.

First are general purpose functions to perform generic GET, POST, and DELETE requests:

  • restRequestGET
  • restRequestPOST
  • restRequestDELETE

These are useful for calls to a custom proxy or for endpoints which aren’t included in the rest-client.

The most convenient way to use the REST API, is via the provided restClient (CMS v6.1+), which has appropiate functions and typings for various endpoints. Please see the @gentics/cms-rest-client package for more information.

Please note, that the GCNJS-API which is also available, is deprecated and should be replaced with calls from the UI Bridge instead.

1.2 UI Actions

One major feature of the UI Bridge, is triggering UI Actions. These actions are features which are commonly used in the UI, but aren’t directly available in an IFrame.

Such actions are for example:

  • openRepositoryBrowser: Opens a repository browser to let the user select certain CMS items.
  • openTagEditor: Opens the tag-editor for a specific tag, so the user can edit it’s content.

The Bridge also has a class reference in closeErrorClass, which should be used in the error handling of these actions. All actions are performed via Promises, and will most commonly reject with the closeErrorClass reference class.

Example error handling:

window.GCMSUI.openTagEditor(...).then(result => {
    // Handle the result of the tag-editor
}).catch(error => {
     * This checks if the error is from the UI and if it's an actual error.
     * Errors like these are thrown when the user closes/rejects the modal/action, to make it possible to perform a proper cleanup.
     * Adding a proper error handler to these actions is recommended,
     * as unhandled errors like these are getting logged by the browser as actual errors,
     * which makes debugging of custom implementations harder what they need to be.
    if (error instanceof window.GCMSUI.closeErrorClass) {
        if (error.reason !== 'error') {
            // Ignore the error and just simply return.
            // You may do whatever you need to do here if there's any need.

        // Get the actual error which was internally thrown if present
        if (error.cause) {
            error = error.cause;

    // Handle or ignore the error however you want here

For the full list and up to date documentation of all actions, please refer to the @gentics/cms-integration-api-models package.