Gentics CMS JavaScript API

The Gentics CMS JavaScript API is a data-oriented (CRUD) JavaScript framework for Gentics CMS.

It facilitates the loading and manipulation of Gentics CMS objects via the Rest API, without having to be concerned about transportation and authentication details in the application’s control flow.

This document describes some details of how the Gentics CMS JavaScript API works and how to use it effectively.

In order to use the Gentics CMS JavaScript API you need to provide jQuery 1.5.1 or above. If you need support for Internet Explorer 7 don’t use 1.7.1, as an error in this version prevents jQuery from working correctly.

1 Loading the library

There are two main use cases for the library: Frontend Editing and Scripting with Gentics CMS backend objects. In any case you will need to define the BACKEND_PATH, which locates your Gentics CMS backend server:


This path must be located on the same host as the page that includes the Gentics CMS JavaScript API. If the Gentics CMS backend is located on a different host, you will most likely need to use a Proxy Script to access it, as loading data using AJAX calls is only allowed on the same domain. In our example this script is referred to as [Proxy].

An example implementation is provided.

A proxy servlet implementation is provided with Gentics Portal.Node. Please see the documentation for the GCNProxyServlet for further information.

1.1 Frontend editing

The Frontend Editing Guide explains how to use Aloha and the Gentics CMS JavaScript API for frontend editing.

1.2 Scripting

In other cases you just want to load the Gentics CMS JavaScript API without Aloha Editor. An example for this is if you intend to code an additional administrative interface that allows you to browse through folders and pages without being able to change their contents. In this case you just have to include the library. You can either load it from the server or copy it to your frontend and load it from there.

<script src="/[Proxy]/latest/gcnjsapi/bin/gcnjsapi.js"></script>

Don’t include the gcnjsapi.js on a page that loads the Aloha gcn-plugin (data-aloha-plugins=“gcn/gcn”) as that would load the gcnjsapi.js twice and may result in errors.

2 Library Versions

There are three version of the Gentics CMS JavaScript API.

  • gcnjsapi/bin/gcnjsapi.js – Minified concatenated version
  • gcnjsapi/dev/gcnjsapi.js – Unminified not concatenated version
  • gcnjsapi/debug/gcnjsapi.js – Unminified concatenated version

3 Usage

The general rule of this control abstraction is that the return value of Gentics CMS JavaScript API methods are always continuation objects and not typical return values.

For example:

var myPage =;

In the above code, the variable `myPage` is not assigned a page but rather a continuation object. This continuation object exposes the appropriate parts of the Gentics CMS JavaScript API for operating on page 42 and for querying for objects contained in that page.

Therefore, this would be an incorrect usage of the Library:


The appropriate way to read the value of an object provided by the Gentics CMS JavaScript API requires that you use a callback like this:, function (page) {

The simple rule to keep in mind in this regard is that whenever you want to read a value of an object retrieved through the Gentics CMS JavaScript API, then you must do so through a callback. The callback causes the object’s data to be fetched from the server or from the in-memory cache and make its properties available in the object passed into the callback function as its only argument.

4 Caching

Whenever the Gentics CMS JavaScript API is loading objects from the server it will automatically cache them for later actions. This resembles no problem as long as you are the only one working on that object. If you want to force the library to retrieve a fresh copy from the server you can reset the local object data by using the clear() method.

calling clear() on an object will also delete all the changes that have been applied but where not saved yet.

GCN.folder(42, function (folder) {
	// [some magic going on here for a while]


	// [wayyyyy later]
	// now we need a fresh copy of the folder since
	// someone might have changed it on the server
	// this will clear the cache and reset *ANY* changes
	// that have not been saved yet

	// now fetch the folder once again to be good to go
	GCN.folder(42, function(folder) {
		// now we're good to go with our fresh copy
		folder.prop('name', $('#foldername').val());;

5 Example Code Snippets

This should give you a basic idea of what using the Gentics CMS JavaScript API should look like:

// Print all folders in a node.
GCN.node(1).folders(function(folders) {

// Change the url of an image in a page.'splash_image', function(tag) {
  var url = prompt('Please input a new image url');
  if (url) {
    tag.part('url', url).save();

A little more advanced control flow:

var myPage;

// Render for editing the `content` tag in page 1 in a
// HTML element whose id is "main-content."
function loadPage() {
  myPage =, function () {});
  myPage.tag('content').edit( '#main-content' );

// Modify the page's tag and save the page.
function savePage() { (page) {
		console.log("Saved page " + page.prop("name"));

// on DOM ready

// onUnload
jQuery(window).bind('unload', savePage);

Whenever the first callback is provided to any of the API methods, it is treated as a success handler. It will be invoked when the method succeeds and will have passed to it, the requested object(s). A second callback, if provided is treaded a custom override to the global error handler, and will only be invoked if the operation for whatever reason fails.

When fetching a an object or a collection of objects a NOTFOUND exception is thrown if a requested object is not found in the backend. Should one not wish suppress such an error, the variant of the method with a “Maybe” suffix should be used. Note however, that “{object}Maybe” methods are only available for methods that request a collection of objects. eg: pages, pagesMaybe.

6 Control Abstraction

The Gentics CMS JavaScript API favors the JavaScript promises pattern rather than the continuous passing style, although it facilitates both. This is why:

The Gentics CMS JavaScript API abstracts Gentics CMS objects, like pages, folders, and tags, into JavaScript objects, and provides methods to conveniently operate over these objects without worrying about how they are represented or transported between the client and the server.

Because of the frequent transfer of object states between the client and the server, the control flow of an application using Gentics CMS as its remote data store will have to be very asynchronous if one is to avoid blocking the browser’s execution with synchronous communication to the server.

Using callbacks to work around this often forces programming to be done in the continuation passing style. Continuation passing style, however, is error-prone and quickly becomes unwieldy with non-trivial application control flow.

We want to avoid code that looks like this:

// pseudocode: ajax(request_object, callback)
ajax(a, function() {
  ajax(b(a.somedata), function() {
    ajax(c(b.somedata), function() {

To provide better control flow, the Gentics CMS JavaScript API provides a fluent API that facilitates chainable asynchronous methods. If you are familiar with the concept of JavaScript promises, you will understand this control abstraction as similary kind of pattern.

See these resources for an introduction to this approach: