Mesh ContentRepository

This feature allows publishing into an instance of Gentics Mesh

Setting the defaultLanguage of the Mesh instance to something different than the default “en” is currently not supported.

1 Configuration

If you want to use this feature, you first have to enable it globally in your node.conf


	mesh_contentrepository: true

1.1 General settings

The following settings can be changed in the configuration:

Name Description Default
pageSize Number of objects, which are loaded from Mesh when checking for obsolete objects during every publish run. Higher numbers increase performance but also memory consumption of the CMS Server. 10000

  pageSize: 10000

1.2 Client Timeouts

The publish process uses an HTTP Client for accessing Gentics Mesh. In cases, where requests may take longer than the default timeout of 1 minute (e.g. for uploading files), the following timeouts can be configured:

  1. Timeout for connecting in seconds connectTimeout: 60
  2. Write timeout in seconds writeTimeout: 60
  3. Read timeout in seconds readTimeout: 60
  4. Timeout for completing a call in seconds. This includes resolving DNS, connecting, writing the request body, server processing, and reading the response body. callTimeout: 60

2 Create ContentRepository

When the feature is activated, the field ContentRepository Type in the creation dialog has the new option Mesh ContentRepository.

2.1 Connection Url

The field Url must contain a valid connection Url to an instance of Gentics Mesh. The Url must be in the format [protocol]://[hostname]:[port]/[cr_identifier].

Name Description Mandatory
protocol Connection protocol (http or https) false (Default http)
hostname Hostname true
port Connection port false (Default 80 for http, 443 for https)
cr_identifier Identifier, which is used as schema prefix and project name, if Project per Node is not selected true

Examples of valid Connection Urls:

2.1.1 Use HTTP/2 for Mesh client connection

The Use HTTP/2 checkbox can be used to force all the Mesh connections passing over HTTP/2 protocol, bypassing the protocol version negotiation for the performance reasons.

2.2 Authentication with Username/Password

It is recommended to use authentication with ApiToken instead, to prevent session timeouts in long publish runs.

Gentics CMS will authenticate against Gentics Mesh with username/password filled into the fields Username and Password.

If the field Username is left empty, the field Password must contain a valid API Token. Consult the documentation of Gentics Mesh about how an API Token can be generated.

2.4 Permissions

The user (identified either by username/password or be API Token) must have sufficient privileges to publish into the Mesh ContentRepository:

  • Create new Projects
  • Read/Update/Delete/Publish on all nodes of the project
  • Assign and Revoke permissions on nodes of the project
  • Create new Schemas
  • Read/Update/Delete on all created schemas

2.5 Roles Property

By setting the field Roles Property it is possible to assign the readPublished permission on published objects to specific roles in Gentics Mesh. This property can be either an object property with a select part, or an expression that evaluates fields in a Velocity context.

2.5.1 Roles Objectproperty

The object property must at least have one part of type Select (multiple) or Select (single) using an initially empty datasource. The datasource will be filled by performing the action Synchronize Mesh roles.

Permissions in Mesh can neither be set language specific nor branch specific. Therefore, it is required, that the roles object properties are set to be synchronized over channels (when Multichannelling is used) and over languages (object property for pages only), with the feature Synchronized Object Properties.

If one of the roles object properties is not synchronized, the action Check in the ContentRepository will fail (and the log will show an error). The publish process will not fail in such cases, but will possibly lead to unexpected permission settings in Mesh.

2.5.2 Velocity Expression

Variables used in a Velocity template can be resolved using the Expression Parser. Such expressions can be used to define the desired roles. For example:

  1. Create a tagtype with a Velocity part called vtl and the following template:

#set($roles = [])
  1. Create Folder/File/Page object properties with the name meshroles using the created tagtype.
  2. Set the ContentRepositories Roles Property to

For more complex solution additional tagparts will be needed, and the corespondig logic must be implemented in the Velocity template.

2.6 Default Role

The set default role will have the readPublished permission assigned on all objects, for which the Roles Property was not filled.

If no Roles Property is defined at all, the default role applies to all objects.

The default role must already exist in Gentics Mesh. Setting this property to an inexistent role will not create the role in Mesh and the publish process will fail.

When the default role is changed, all objects need to be republished (using the maintenance dialog), so that the default role will be set were applicable.

2.7 Project per Node

With this option, the mapping between Nodes published into this ContentRepository and projects in Mesh can be configured:

2.7.1 Single project

When the option “Project per Node” is not selected, all Nodes that are published into the ContentRepository will be published into a single Mesh project. The name of the project is the [cr_identifier] from the connection Url.

The contents of every Node in GCMS will be published into a separate folder in Mesh (having the same name as the Node).

If “Project per Node” is not selected, it is not possible to set a “Page directory” in the properties of any of the Nodes that publish into the Mesh Content.Repository.

2.7.2 Multiple projects

When the option “Project per Node” is selected, every Node will be published into a separate Mesh project (having the same name as the Node).

In this case, there will be no “root” folders in the Mesh projects, representing the Nodes, but all immediate children of the Nodes in the GCMS will be directly put into the roots of their respective Mesh projects.

In order to publish a master node with its channels into the same Mesh ContentRepository, this option must be selected. See Multichannelling for details.

2.8 Implementation version

By setting an implementation version, it is possible to let the publish process publish objects into separate Mesh branches. For details see Mesh ContentRepository Implementation Branches.

2.9 Tagmap

The CMS publishes folders, pages, images and files into Gentics Mesh. The nodes in Gentics Mesh will use three schemas in Gentics Mesh:

  • [cr_identifier]_folder for folders
  • [cr_identifier]_content for pages
  • [cr_identifier]_binary_content for images/files

The fields in the schemas are defined by the tagmap entries of the Mesh ContentRepository in the CMS.

Tagmap Attributetype Schema field type
Text string
Node node
Integer number
Binary binary
Date date
Boolean boolean
Micronode micronode

When a new Mesh ContentRepository is created, it will have some default tagmap entries. Some of them are Reserved and cannot be modified or removed, because they are absolutely necessary.

2.9.1 Rendering Page Content

Per default, the tagmap will contain a tagmap entry for pages with mapname content and empty tagname. This tagmap entry is used for publishing the rendered page content into the Mesh Content.Repository.

If rendering of pages is done in the frontend component (e.g. Gentics Portal | java or Gentics Portal | php), this tagmap entry can be deleted or modified e.g. by setting a tagname. If a tagname is set, it will be used to resolve the data to be written into the attribute content, instead of the rendered page.

2.9.2 Segmentfield

For each object type, exactly one tagmap entry is marked as Segmentfield. The segmentfield is used to construct the URLs to objects in Gentics Mesh and must be unique among objects with the same parent folder.

For folders, the default segmentfield is pub_dir, but for this to work as expected, the feature Publish Directory Segment must be activated for the node.

2.9.3 Displayfield

For each object type, exactly one tagmap entry is used as Displayfield. The displayfield is used to represent the object in the Administration UI of Gentics Mesh and must be unique among objects with the same parent folder.

2.9.4 URL-field

Tagmap entries can be marked as URL-field. By filling URL-fields, it is possible to specify additional URLs (besides the URL, which is constructed from the segment fields) for accessing objects, that are published into the Mesh ContentRepository.

This is especially useful in combination with the feature Nice URLs:

2.9.5 Micronode Fields

Tagmap entries of type “Micronode” will publish the editable data contained in tags into micronodes. It is possible to publish single tags (e.g. by using the tagname page.tags.content to publish the tag content) into a single value field of type Micronode. When using e.g. page.tags, the field must be multivalue and will contain all tags of the page as list of micronodes. Transformation of tagtypes

When a Mesh ContentRepository contains at least one tagmap entry of type “Micronode”, all constructs that meet all of the following requirements will be transformed into microschemas:

  1. The construct must be assigned to at least one Node that publishes into the Mesh ContentRepository
  2. The construct must contain at least one editable Part with a non-empty keyword – other than Tag (global), File (localpath), Table ext, Velocity, Breadcrumb, Navigation
  3. The construct matches at least one of the micronode filters Part Types with special mapping

The following list contains all Part Types that have a special mapping to fields in the microschema

Part type Schema field Description
URL (page) [keyword]_internal Node reference to linked page
[keyword]_external External URL (as string)
Tag (page) [keyword]_page Node reference to linked page
[keyword]_tag Name of the referenced tag
Overview [keyword]_listType Type of listed objects
[keyword]_selectType Selection type
[keyword]_orderDir Order Direction
[keyword]_orderBy Ordering type
[keyword]_items Node references to listed items
[keyword]_nodeIds List of internal node IDs from which items were selected
[keyword]_source Overview template
[keyword]_recursive Flag for recursive selection
[keyword]_maxItems Maximum number of items to be shown in the overview
List [keyword] List of entries
[keyword]_ordered Boolean flag ordered/unordered
Tag (template) [keyword]_template Internal ID of the referenced template
[keyword]_tag Name of the referenced tag

If the field names of a microschema to be generated are not unique, creation of the microschema (and therefore the publish process) will fail. It is for instance not possible to create a microschema from a construct having a part of type URL (page) with keyword url when there is another part with keyword url_internal.

All other part types will be mapped to a single field. Micronode filter

For tagmap entries of type “Micronode”, it is possible to define a filter for the published micronodes. Only tags matching the filter will be published into the field.

The filter can contain a list of construct keywords (separated by comma, whitespace or newline), and can be a whitelist (keywords are not prefixed) or a blacklist (keywords are prefixed with -).

2.10 Searchindex Configuration

Objects that are written into Gentics Mesh will automatically be put into a search index. To implement specific search features (like autocompletion, did-you-mean, …) it is necessary to extend the default configuration. This can be done by adding index specific configuration to the ContentRepository and to tagmap entries.

2.10.1 ContentRepository Searchindex Configuration

The ContentRepository Searchindex Configuration can be set in the ContentRepository properties dialog in JSON format. The root-object can have attributes page, folder and file which contain the searchindex configuration for pages, folders and files.

Example configuration:

  "page" : {
    "settings": {
      "number_of_shards" :   1,
      "number_of_replicas" : 0
    "analysis" : {
      "analyzer" : {
        "suggest" : {
          "tokenizer" : "mesh_default_ngram_tokenizer",
          "char_filter" : [ "html_strip" ],
          "filter" : [ "lowercase" ]
2.10.2 Tagmap Entry Searchindex Configuration

Every tagmap entry can have a specific searchindex configuration set in its properties dialog in JSON format.

Example configuration:

  "suggest": {
    "analyzer": "suggest",
    "type": "string"
2.10.3 Exclude from indexing

Last, but not least, each content type (page/file/image/folder), as well as each distinct tagmap entry can be forcefully excluded from indexing. This may come in handy, for example if the content of the entry includes sensitive information, that should not be transferred to the 3rd party indexing engine. Therefore the general checkboxes Exclude {pages|folders|files} from indexing, and per-tagmap entry No Indexing checkbox exist for every tagmap entry.

3 URLs (Mesh webroot paths)

There are different options to define the URLs of pages, images and files which are published to a Mesh ContentRepository.

3.1 Publish Directory Segments

If the nodes publishing into the Mesh ContentRepository have the setting “Publish Directory Segments” activated, the filenames of pages, images and files and the segments of folders will be published as “Segment fields” into Mesh.

The URLs of objects in Mesh is then composed of the values of their segment fields and the values of the segment fields of their parents (see


  • Publish Directory Segments of folders (including the root folder) must not be empty
  • Publish Directory Segments of folders with the same parent must be unique

3.2 Publish Paths

If the nodes publishing into the Mesh ContentRepository do not have the setting “Publish Directory Segments” activated, every folder in the CMS can have its own publish path. The URLs of pages, images and files are constructed from the publish path of their folder and the respective filename.

The URLs of pages, images and files are published into a special field in Mesh (named “gtx_url”), which is set as “urlfield”. The schemas for folders, files and pages in Mesh will not have segment fields even if tagmap entries are defined to be segment fields.


  • Folders in Mesh do not have URLs, only pages, images and files have URLs

It is not possible to publish nodes into the same Mesh ContentRepository, if some do have the “Publish Directory Segment” setting while others don’t have it. Doing so will let the publish process fail. It is – however – possible to publish those nodes into different Mesh ContentRepositories that write into the same Mesh instance, because each Mesh ContentRepository will create its own set of schemas in Mesh.

4 Multichannelling

For publishing a node and all its channels into the same Mesh ContentRepository, the option Project per Node must be activated for the ContentRepository.

The master node and its channels will be published into the same Mesh project, but every node/channel into its own Mesh Branch.

The names of the Branches are the names of the node/channel (with spaces replaced by underscores).

If an Implementation version is set, the branch names will be composed of the node/channel name and the implementation version.

5 Check/Repair

With the action Check the validity of the Mesh ContentRepository will be checked:

  • Accessing the instance of Gentics Mesh
  • Existence and correctness of the schemas
  • Existence of the project
  • Schemas assigned to the project
  • Existence and validity of the Roles Property

The action Repair is used to repair incorrect data in Gentics Mesh:

  • Missing schemas will be created
  • Incorrect schemas will be updated
  • Missing project will be created
  • Schemas will be assigned to the project

The publish process will also try to repair incorrect data in Gentics Mesh (everything above, but the Roles Property)

6 Mesh Preview URL

The properties dialog of Nodes in the CMS have a field Mesh Preview URL which can contain the URL to an application (portal) that is used to render the objects published into Gentics Mesh.

When the URL is set and a page must be rendered in the CMS (for preview or in edit mode), the CMS will transform the page into a Mesh Node and POST that to the preview URL. The response is then used as template for rendering the page in edit or preview mode.

7 Synchronize Mesh roles

The datasource used in the Roles Property has to be filled with the Mesh roles, that should be available for selection. This can be done with the action “Synchronize Mesh roles” performed on the Mesh Content.Repository in the list of Content.Repositories.

The dialog shows all available roles, which are not used in the datasource under Available Roles and all currently used roles under Used Roles.

When roles are moved from one side to another with one of the buttons, the datasource will be changed immediately.

Removing a role from the datasource, will remove the role from all objects, where it had be selected before. Readding it will not restore the selection state of the objects.

8 Missing roles

When the Roles Objectproperty for an object contains an entry which does not exist in Mesh, the role will be created automatically during the next publish run.

9 Languages

Folders, images and files (which do not have a language in the CMS) will be published onto nodes with language english into the Mesh Content.Repository.

Pages, that have no language in the CMS will also be published as english nodes.

Pages with languages will be published onto nodes with the same language (same language code). Without further configuration, Mesh supports all two-letter codes defined in ISO-639-1.

To support languages in the CMS with codes not defined in ISO-639-1, they need to be configured in Mesh according to this documentation.

10 GIS image variants publication

With CMP 8.1, Mesh has the capability to generate all the Gentics Image Store image variants referenced from the content, during the publish run only, and store it in the database instead of the cache, disabling the ability to trigger a service denial on random GIS resized image requests in the runtime. This feature can be enabled per Node with the Publish GIS image variants to Mesh checkbox.