Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.9.2


The preview thumbnails in the repository browser were fixed when using frontend editing mode. Previously the proxyprefix parameter was not added to the thumbnail imageurls.


Fixed folder highlighting within the main Gentics Content.Node folder tree within channels. Previously the master node folder was highlighted when a channel page was opened.


Fixed rendering of tags to no cause a JavaScript exception. Also ensures thatids in template strings are correctly extracted and listed in the REST-APIrenderer response.

Bugfix RM5611

Some imageurls for the repository browser that can be opened within the tagfill dialog were fixed. Previously a css and some images could not be loaded when the tagfill dialog was opened within the frontend editing mode.

Bugfix RM5624

A bug within the tagfill dialog imageurl and fileurl part handling was fixed. Previously the tagfill dialog views that contained imageurl or fileurl parts caused SGB errors when opening. This issue was introduced within 5.9.0 and did only occure when using the frontend editing mode.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.22.3 – 08.10.2012