Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.33.9

Date: 04.04.2019

Documentation SUP-7662 🔗 Link

Changelog entries in the Changelog Summary do now have ids. You may now link directly to an entry using anchorlinks.

Bugfix SUP-7596 🔗 Link

Fixes an issue when a user has an empty favourites list it can cause an error.

Bugfix SUP-7650 🔗 Link

When a devtool package containing CR fragments is assigned to a node, the CR fragments will now be assigned to the node‘s ContentRepository.

Bugfix SUP-6911 🔗 Link

The order of CR Fragment Entries in devtool packages will now also be consistent.

Bugfix SUP-7561 🔗 Link

When a construct containing a part of type “Datasource” was synchronized from a devtool package, the datasource entries were not synchronized. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-6836 🔗 Link

When synchronizing objects into devtool packages, the order of some element lists might change, which could cause unnecessary conflicts when merging with other changes with the use of a version control system (like git). This has been changed now in a way that the order of already existing elements will stay the same, while new elements will be appended at the end of the list.

Bugfix SUP-7646 🔗 Link

When an error occurs while synchronizing a template from a devtool package into the CMS (e.g. because a construct used in the template does not exist in the CMS), the template was left locked, and that state was not immediately visible in the UI due to a caching issue. This has been fixed now, the template will be unlocked in case of errors.

Bugfix SUP-7489 🔗 Link

When synchronizing constructs with devtool packages, the settings for the new tag editor were not synchronized. This has been fixed now.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.52 – 05.03.2019

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.7