Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.31.32

Date: 10.07.2019

Security SUP-6870 🔗 Link

Fixed some security vulnerabilities in the scheduler with not sanitized user input.

Bugfix SUP-8114 🔗 Link

When publishing into a Mesh ContentRepository with instant publishing enabled, the publish process could fail after getting a “409 Conflict” response from Mesh, when an object was instant published while handled by the publish process. This has been fixed now. Objects that were instant published during a publish process will not be handled by the publish process at all.

Bugfix SUP-8093 🔗 Link

In rare cases, the publish process could fail with an NullPointerException while loading objects. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-8108 🔗 Link

Avoid detail-chips cutting in IE.

Bugfix SUP-7660 🔗 Link

Changed the color for strong HTML elements in the tagfill to meet the recommended contrast ratio for WCAG AA.

Bugfix SUP-7712 🔗 Link

Fix an issue with removing niceUrl from Page Properties.

Bugfix SUP-7956 🔗 Link

File extensions can no longer be deleted in the new UI.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.53 – 30.04.2019

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.7