Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.31.23

Date: 19.02.2019

Documentation SUP-7301 🔗 Link

Added Oracle Database 12.2 to the list of supported versions.

Bugfix SUP-7483 🔗 Link

When performing multiple requests to create folders with same name in the same mother folder in parallel, the naming uniqueness could not be guaranteed. This has been fixed now, multiple requests to create folders in the same mother folder will now be serialized.

Bugfix SUP-7455 🔗 Link

When changing the assignment between a Node and a ContentRepository, this could cause all objects in the Node to be dirted. This has been fixed now, changing the assignment between a Node and a ContentRepository will dirt no objects any more.

Bugfix SUP-7417 🔗 Link

When using multichannelling, overviews over objects in other nodes were not always dirted, when new objects were created. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-7330 🔗 Link

When editing a tag in the new UI (but not with the new Tag Editor), the check for not filled mandatory multiselect parts did not work. Editors could save the tag with mandatory multiselect parts left empty. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-7437 🔗 Link

Add confirmation notification when uploading a new image via properties.

Bugfix SUP-7495 🔗 Link

When publishing large number of objects into a Mesh ContentRepository, checking for obsolete objects (during every publish run) could take a very long time. The performance of this check has been improved by increasing the pagesize for loading the objects from Mesh. The pagesize can now be configured (see Guides for details).

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.51 – 19.02.2019

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.5