Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.31.22

Date: 06.02.2019

Bugfix SUP-6971 🔗 Link

Fixes an issue with unexpected “Invalid SID” error messages on login.

Bugfix SUP-7331 🔗 Link

Fixes an issue when a modal is open and navigating away is still possible.

Bugfix SUP-7355 🔗 Link

A NullpointerException occured when using the GIS Directive option “fpsmart” without a valid source image. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-7397 🔗 Link

Fixes an issue when the page is editable, but the save button is not active immediately.

Bugfix SUP-7324 🔗 Link

When publishing into a Mesh ContentRepository, obsolete objects will now be removed before other objects are created/updated. This fixes uniqueness issues, when e.g. a page is deleted and replaced with another page having the same filename.

Bugfix SUP-7342 🔗 Link

The internal links rendered in a live preview did not contain the correct SID when using a Mesh portal preview URL. This has been fixed now.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.50 – 24.10.2018

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.5