Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.30.8

Date: 28.06.2018

Optional Manual Change

When saving forms containing ‘><”‘ chrome xss auditor was triggered. This can be deactivated by sending the X-XSS-Protection: 0 header.

🔗 Link

Please enable the Apache 2 module “headers“. On most distributions this is done by executing “a2enmod headers”. Apache 2 has to be restarted afterwards. See for more details on the topic.

Bugfix SUP-6295 🔗 Link

When a previous version of a page was restored in the new UI, the page‘s status label was not updated to ‘edited‘. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-6315 🔗 Link

When copying a tag containing a checkbox part using the REST API endpoint /page/newtag, the tag returned by that call always claimed the checkbox part to have value “false“ (even if the copied tag was stored with the correct value “true”). This has been fixed now, the returned tag will always contain the correct data.

Bugfix SUP-6589 🔗 Link

Groups were removed from the list of selectable recipients when sending a message.

Bugfix SUP-5179 🔗 Link

When publishing files into a ContentRepository, errors like com.gentics.api.lib.exception.NodeException: Error while adding a dependency where logged. Those errors had no functional consequence and will be omitted now.

Bugfix SUP-6280 🔗 Link

When objects were synchronized between channels, overviews were not dirted and republished in all cases. This has been fixed now.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.47 – 13.06.2018

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.2