Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.3.1

Manual Change

The Aloha Editor plugin API was changed

Aloha Editor 0.10 will no longer expose it‘s internal jQuery object through the $ and/or jQuery variables. You have to include your own version of jQuery if you relied on Aloha Editor‘s version prior to this update.# The “GENTICS_“ prefix for CSS class names has been replaced by “aloha-“. If you targeted those specific class names in your implementation those need to be updated.# The “GENTICS.Aloha“ namespace for Aloha Editor‘s JavaScript objects has been reduced to “Aloha” alone.*Please note:*# If you want to edit your pages using Aloha Editor a valid doctype has to be specified.# As the plugin system has been fully rewritten in Aloha Editor 0.10 plugins you wrote for 0.9.3 will not work with the new version. See our documentation on how to edit plugin settings.

Manual Change

Added new Version 0.10 of Aloha Editor to Gentics Content.Node

Added new Version 0.10 of Aloha Editor to Gentics Content.Node, which brings a load of new features like plugin bundles, dependency loading with requirejs and other improvements to your editing experience.
Please refer to or for additional and more detailed information.
Aloha Editor 0.10 may be activated by setting $FEATURE[“aloha010“] = true; and $FEATURE[“aloha”] = true; in your node.conf.
You may continue to use Aloha Editor 0.9.3 though without enabling the new feature.


Linking a template to a new folder will now check for templates with the same name in the target folder and abort with an error message.


The autoupdate dialog will now display the selected update policy which can be configured via the update_policy feature


Resolving node tags in custom-forms only worked in the tag-fill dialogueof content tags (pages). For template tags (templates) or tag-types, theentire custom-form was rendered as the empty string if thecustomform_resolve_nodetags feature was activated.Now, if the custom-form is rendered as part of the tag-fill dialogue fortemplate tags or tag-types, all will resolve to the emptystring. Special custom-form tags (e.g. ) will be resolvednormally.


Aloha Editor package is no longer provided by Gentics Content.Node‘s integrated Apache webserver, as it has been moved to the CNPortletapp


Reduced z-index of resize handle for resizable lists. This prevents the handles shining through actions dropdown.


Added parameter “versioninfo” to REST API call /rest/page/load/ to get version information


The autoupdate dialog will now display the selected update policy which can be configured via the update_policy feature.


Please follow the steps that are described in our FAQ » "How do I enable the Gentics Profiler webapplication?" to enable the profiler webapp. Activation of the profiler is optional.


Fixed possible JS error when saving pages after changing an internal link to an external one using Aloha Editor


Fixed problems with template source view in IE6 and IE7


Fixed setting links to files using Aloha Editor: When pages are edited, that have links to files, the file information is correctly loaded and thus the link will be preserved


Fixed possibly misaligned top menu when switching multiple times between page preview (aloha mode) and taglist.


Fixed detection of deleted/moved/offline objects when publishing into ContentRepository: It was possible that object being deleted, moved or taken offline while a publish process was running, would not be removed from the contentrepository at all.


Fixed Import Errors when Importing from older Systems


Fixed language management: It is no longer possible to delete page languages, if pages with that language exist.


Fixed: when a Node had no languages assigned, and a user had the deletepermission on only some, but not all folders, and the user tried todelete a page on which he had permissions, he was incorrectly informedthat he didn‘t have any permissions.


Fixed a bug with Aloha Editor that prevents internal links from being created


Fixed possible deadlocks when publishing into contentrepositories that use Instant Publishing.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.20.0-RC8 – -