Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.29.30

Date: 21.12.2018

Documentation SUP-7180

Enhanced the “Indexing with Elasticsearch” documentation page.

Bugfix SUP-7125

Resolves an issue when folders/images/files/pages are non-existing anymore but the associated favourites are still in the list.

Bugfix SUP-7026

Fix ItemList layout problems on mobile devices with long item names.

Bugfix SUP-7112

Timemanagement for modified pages was not performed correctly. This has been fixed, and pages with timemanagement will now be published and taken offline accordingly.

Bugfix SUP-7248

  • Remove the restriction to fill out both FROM and TO input fields for “showing pages online” feature.

Bugfix SUP-7192

  • Resolves an issue for images when dimensions cannot be detected correctly.
  • Removes editing capabilities on images that cannot be edited or when editing may cause data loss for that image.

Bugfix SUP-7184

Fixes an issue that prevented users to publish a page in edit mode.


The REST API has been extended to allow loading node specific settings via the endpoint /rest/node/[NODEID]/settings. For configuration options and how to retrieve the settings via the REST API look the the documentation

Bugfix SUP-6814

When several parts of a tagtype had the same keyword and the tagtype was synchronized into the filesystem by the devtools feature, the created files for those tagparts were overwritten. The behavior has been changed so that such tagtypes will not be synchronized into the filesystem, and the synchronization process will fail.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.50 – 24.10.2018

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.0