Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.29.26

Date: 05.09.2018

Bugfix SUP-6172

Fixed the translation of Calendars when the language is changed.

Bugfix SUP-6334

Fixed the Icon for localized Images in the new UI

Bugfix SUP-6827

If devtools is activated and the user has no view permissions for the devtools packages the wrong link for live preview was generated in preview- and edit-mode of a page, resulting in error 500 messages. This has been fixed now: for users without devtools permission the regular preview url will be generated, for users with devtools permissions the devtools preview url will be used.

Bugfix SUP-5709

Import/Export: Fixed an NPE when importing folders which were moved and deleted (but still in the wastebin) on the target system.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.48 – 22.08.2018

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.0