Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.26.13

Date: 03.05.2017

Deleting an item from the wastebin has been renamed from “Remove from wastebin“ to “Delete“ for usability reasons, so that it‘s better distinguishable from the “Restore” operation.

Optional Manual Change

Changed the Tomcat maxThreads setting to 256 for the AJP connector in server.xml in the default package configuration. If your Apache webserver is allowing more than 200 connections you will need to make sure that the Tomcat can also handle at least as many connections (MaxThreads) as the MaxClients setting in Apache (default 256). Please configure this in server.xml for AJP connector if not already done in order to avoid errors.

Bugfix SUP-4108

Enhanced an error message that occured when deleting on object in the CMS with the UI or pageimport and the object was already deleted.

Bugfix SUP-3980

Logged rendering errors will now include more specific information, which object was rendered when the error occurred.

Bugfix SUP-4135

Under special circumstances, the URL to translate a page could lead to an SGB. This has been fixed now.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.29 – 02.05.2017

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.1.2