Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.26.10

Date: 21.03.2017

Documentation SUP-3952

A page with details on the “ExpressionParser for TagMap Entries” has been added to the documentation.

Documentation SUP-3934

Added missing documentation on how to setup support for Oracle or SQL-Server Content Repositories in the CMS.

Bugfix SUP-3592

When objects were exported that referenced objects of other nodes, an optional reference to the node was created, even if the referenced object was in the wastebin. When objects were exported that contained objects of other nodes in an overview with sticky channel, no optional reference to the other node was created. Both issues have been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-3926

The permission checks for some rarely used administrative functions have been improved.

Bugfix SUP-3915

JavaScript errors thrown in a PubSub-event-handler in the GCN-JS-API caused an immediate stop of the script‘s execution and could lead to an inconsistent state in the JS-API in the browser. This has been fixed: all errors thrown by an event-handler will be catched and logged back to the console.

Bugfix SUP-3301

Fixed the permissions “Create / edit tagtype“ and “Channel sync“ for the “GCN5 Demo” node not being set for the node group.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.27 – 21.03.2017

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.1.1