Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.24.20

Date: 08.02.2017

Optional Manual Change

The implementation of the gtxalohapagelink tag has been updated to prevent errors when saving a page.

In Detail: The variable “$” was used without checking if it was empty. This caused an erroneous rendering when the tag linked to a file that has been deleted preventing users to save a page after editing.

Bugfix SUP-3780

The permission checks when localizing objects over the REST API were too restrictive for users with permissions restricted to channels. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-3743

When publishing files into a ContentRepository, errors like com.gentics.api.lib.exception.NodeException: Error while adding a dependency where logged. Those errors had no functional consequence and will be omitted now.

Bugfix SUP-3679

Copying a localized copy of a file always produced an error message. This has been fixed now. When a localized copy of a file is copied, the copy will be created in the same channel now.

Bugfix SUP-3808

When an object with localized copies in channels was moved (in its master node) and the node published into a Content Repository with Instant Publishing enabled, all localized copies were also instantly written into the Content Repository. This could cause the move process to take longer than expected and was inconsistent behaviour (since Instant Publishing normally does not affect inherited or localized copies in channels, when the master object was changed). This has been fixed now, moving objects will trigger Instant Publishing only for the master object itself.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.26 – 07.02.2017

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.46