Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.23.31

Date: 22.02.2017

Documentation SUP-2680

Updated documentation to avoid a common mistake in velocity implementions from tagtypes that are editable with the aloha editor.

Bugfix SUP-3601

When a user tried to create a language variant of a page, where this language variant was put into the wastebin before, and the user had no permission to delete pages in the folder, an error occurred. This has been fixed now: The page in the wastebin will be deleted regardless of the user‘s permission and replaced by the node language variant.

Bugfix SUP-3830

When objects were exported where the name contained some characters which are not allowed in attribute values of XML nodes, the resulting XML files was invalid. This caused errors while importing. Generation of the XML files has been fixed now, so that the invalid characters will be removed from the names. Additionally, the handling of invalid XML files while importing has been improved to provide explicit error messages hinting at the root cause.

Bugfix SUP-3811

When rendering a tag of another page with the render directive, tags contained in the rendered tag were resolved in the scope of the original page. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-3819

When a node publishes into a multichannelling aware contentrepository, all channels of the node will automatically also publish into that contentrepository. This auto-assignment was not shown in the list of nodes or considered when checking the data of the contentrepository for channels that were created after the node was assigned to the contentrepository. In such cases, the result of the “Check data“ operation for the contentrepository would incorrectly state, that the channel was not assigned to the contentrepository and its data would be removed in the next publish run (which was not the case). This has been fixed now. The “Check data” operation will correctly consider the auto-assignment of channels to multichannelling aware contentrepositories exactly like the publish process does.

Bugfix SUP-3849

If a tag contained javascript the code wasn‘t executed again after opening and closing the tagfill. This bug was introduced with bugfix SUP-3724 in version 5.23.28 and has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-3797

When publishing into a content repository with instant publishing, access to the content repository was locked longer and more often than necessary. This could cause congestion of instant publishing requests. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-3820

Fixed issue where corrupted node-tags (node-notation without tagname and closing bracket: “

Bugfix SUP-3837

Files that were imported from a thirdparty media asset system using the file_fetch feature into folders with restricted inheritance (in a multichannelling environment), were not restricted in their inheritance, which subsequently caused errors in the publish process. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-3858

Objects containing nested object tags were exported and imported in way which could subsequently cause errors when loading those objects via the REST API. This has been fixed now.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.26 – 07.02.2017

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.46