Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.22.23

Date: 20.04.2016


The publish statistics for rendering pages have been improved to distinguish between rendering content and rendering other attributes.

Bugfix SUP-2718

LDAP: Fixed an issue with Windows 2003 Active Directory referrals when someone tries to login by setting the LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS option to 0. If you encounter an error after updating, please set the setting $LDAP_LOGIN[‘referrals‘] = 1; in the configuration.

Bugfix SUP-2717

Fixed a problem where the permissions of templates linked to a folder in the wastebin only can‘t be determined anymore. This can cause imports to fail with an “Insufficient permissions” error.

Bugfix SUP-2702

When changing the definition of an object property, the internal cache of the definition was not invalidated correctly. This could cause the change not to take effect immediately. When, for example, the “inheritable” flag of folder object property definition was changed, and a new folder was created, it could happen that the old inheritance behavior was executed. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-2714

A language in a node can‘t be deactivated when there is a page in the wastebin for this language. The error message has been improved to also display the count of pages in the wastebin for this language.

Bugfix SUP-2717

Previously, templates that were only linked to one folder were wrongly deleted when the folder was moved to the wastebin. Now templates will only be removed when a folder is permanently deleted.

Bugfix SUP-2721

Multichannelling: Renaming the publish directory of a localized folder back to the one of the master folder didn‘t work in some cases. This has been fixed.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.11 – 19.04.2016

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.36