Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.16.47

Date: 18.02.2015

Bugfix SUP-307

Copying a tagmap entry between contentrepositories would fail unconditionally.

Bugfix SUP-278

Comparing Page Versions did not work correctly with Pages in localized Folders. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-361-SUP-364

Connections from the database connection pool are now tested before being used.

Bugfix SUP-226

Fixed a NullpointerException when importing a page that could occur under rare circumstances.

Bugfix SUP-302

Fixed positioning of context menus in IE with RTL (Right-To-Left) pages. This fixes the calculation of the scroll position for Internet Explorer.

Bugfix SUP-56

Multiple bugs fixed in page publishing:

  • page.languages now only returns online pages during publishing.
  • References to non-published language variants would be added in the content repository. Now, only online language variants get references in the content repository.
  • References to deleted pages would not get removed from the content repository. The fix adds dependencies for referenced pages. Affected pages must be re-published for the problem to be solved.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.25.23 – 17.02.2015