Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.14.4

Security RT54513

We recommend that the apache server signature will be hidden. Set the following settings in the /Node/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-default.conf file:
   ServerSignature Off   ServerTokens Prod 
A restart of the apache webserver is required in order to enable the settings.

Enhancement RT56609

Multichannelling contentrepositories have now a new option to choose between differential check for removed objects (which is faster) or the full check (which is saver) on every publish run. The default value is the differential check. Additionally, the number of SQL statements necessary to publish an object into a multichannelling contentrepository has been reduced to improve performance.

Enhancement RT56615

The internal logging of a publish error has been enhanced.

Bugfix RT56601

Fixed regression in the GCN JS API so that, now, the callback that is passed to the method will receive the saved tag as its only argument.

Bugfix RT56642

Accessing the table dependencymap2 has been optimized to avoid synchronization between threads when using multithreaded publishing. This will increase the overall performance of a multithreaded publish process. As a side-effect, the table dependencymap2 is no longer locked during a publish process.

Bugfix RT56498

Moving pages/files/folders: Fixed multiple issues

  • Files couldn‘t be moved to inherited channel folders
  • Folders/pages: Folders were selectable, even tho when the user doesn‘t have permission on the folder (However the permission was checked when clicking)
  • Folders: Moving folders to inherited/localized folders didn‘t work.
  • After moving an object, the folder changed to the new folder, but the selection in the tree didn‘t update.

Bugfix RT56518

Part type “Url (image)”: Fixed this part not correctly working in the tagfill dialog, when there were multiple parts of this type.

Bugfix RT56477

Previously, a task scheduled to be executed after another task finishes would sometimes start twice at the same time. Now it will only start once.

Bugfix RM11868

Previously, an SGB occured when pressing “cancel” in the page create dialog. Now the list of pages appears instead.

Bugfix RT56423

A bug in the tagtype migration post processor handling was fixed. Removed tags will now be deleted. Previously tags that were removed from the restmodel would not be removed.

Bugfix RT56245

Fixed selection of translators in the todo tool.

Bugfix RT56251

Previously, in the page translate view, syncing of scrollbars didn‘t work if the lower page contained an iframe and Aloha Editor was not used. Now, syncing works under these conditions, too.

Bugfix RT56642

The number of SQL Statements for publishing objects into contentrepositories, when using multithreaded publishing has been reduced to increase the overall publish performance.


Fixed an error when using the feature contentfile_auto_offline is used when publishing into a multichannelling contentrepository.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.24.2 – 07.10.2013