Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.14.16

Security RT54513

Rest API: Removed the “description“ and “login” field for all responses that return user objects (ie. creator and author) However, methods in the UserResource will still output those two fields for user objects.

Security RT54513

Previously, when an error occured while requesting a page from Tomcat (404 or 500), the Tomcat version number and a detailed message was shown. That information is now hidden (a static error page is shown). Detailed error output can be found in the log files.

Security RT54513

Fixed security issue that could possibly allow someone to take over your user account by sending you an URL and doing social engineering.

Bugfix RT57386

When creating folder overviews by manually selecting the folders and having the “recursive“ flag activated, the subfolders were not added, if the feature multichannelling was activated. This has been fixed now, manual folder overviews with “recursive” activated will now render like expected.

Bugfix RT57434

When migrating tags from a tagtype that contained non-editable parts using the tagtype migration tool, the filled value of the non-editable part in the source tagtype was removed, which should not happen. This has been fixed now. When migrating tags the source and target tagtypes are not changed.

Bugfix RT57499

When the action “check data“ or “repair data“ for a ContentRepository was started, the status changed to “Running“, even though the job was actually queued (along with other dirt or maintenance events or even the publish process). This has been changed now. The status will now show “Queued“ as long as the job is in the Queue and will only switch to “Running“ when the job really is started. Additionally, queued ContentRepository jobs will now be shown as “ContentRepository Maintenance Action“ instead of “Dependency Calculation” in the maintenance dialog.

Bugfix RT57387

Moving of inherited or localized folders is not allowed, because they must be moved in their master node. If an editor tried to move a localized or inherited folder, nothing happened, but the editor got no information telling why. This has been fixed now: If an editor tries to move an inherited or localized folder, an information will be displayed that this is not possible (similar to moving pages, images or files).

Bugfix RT57495

When editing tags as blocks using Aloha Editor and the tagtype implementation contained script tags and a jQuery version >= 1.9.0 was used, the script tags were replaced by some random numbers when the tag was re-rendered in the page after being modified using the tagfill dialog. These numbers were not saved to the page and did not affect the published content of the page, but were just shown while editing the page. This has been fixed now, re-rendering tags containing script tags will now also work with jQuery versions >= 1.9.0.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.24.8 – 21.11.2013