Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.13.2

Bugfix RT55127

Fixed possible DB locks during a publish process that caused problems when editing pages. This also fixes possible errors at the start of a publish process (because a lock could not be acquired).

Bugfix RT55299

When starting a multithreaded publish run, all tables were locked while connections were started, in order to get a 100% consistent state among those connections.
When some other SQL Statement was already running at the same time, this could lead to DB locks, and could subsequently freeze the whole CMS.
Therefore the tables will no longer be locked while starting the connections for a multithreaded publish run.

Bugfix RT55260

When using instant publishing, this possibly caused DB deadlocks while accessing the ContentRepository DB during a publish process.
This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT55143

When getting pages from a folder via the REST API with the inSync parameter set,
an exception was thrown if pages were synchronized with another page that could
no longer be found on the system (i.e. was deleted).

Bugfix RT55134

When using the Gentics Content.Node Javascript API and node.js to upload a File into a Channel, the File was uploaded into the Master Node instead.
This has been fixed now, uploading files into channels is now possible using node.js.

Bugfix RT55211

Aloha Editor – GCN linkbrowser plugin: Fixed href not being updated after selecting a page/file from the link browser.
Now the href will be set to a # when a GCN page or file is selected. This also fixes the link-plugin targetRegex setting not correctly working.

Bugfix RT54731

Fixed a minor bug that sometimes caused flag icons not to be shown for start pages set in a folder.

Bugfix RT55065

When exporting, export warnings were generated for excluded objects. This is fixed now, export warnings are generated only
for non-excluded object types.

Bugfix RT53937

Dependent pages were previously not dirted when a tag type was overwritten by an import. The new behaviour is to dirt all dependent
pages whenever a tag type is changed.

Bugfix RT53746

Links tags will have their anchor text cleaned before saving. This will ensure
that wai-lang attributes will be cleaned up from GCN magic link tag anchor text
before they are saved.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.23.10-commercial – 05.06.2013