Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.13.11

Manual Change

It is now possible to deactivate tags using the GCN JS API. Newly created tags

will be automatically activated, but before the page is saved, that tag can be

Because the GCN JS API will no longer automatically activate all tags in a page
that is saved after editing, this change may require some implementations to be
modified to manually activate in-active tags. A manual change will be necessary
for example, if your implementation renders a page‘s inactive object tags in
view mode via the GCN JS API. In this case, it will be necessary to first
activate the tag using tag.prop('active', true).

Enhancement RT56261

It is now possible to use the ModelBuilderApiHelper class to render REST Models. This is useful if you want to render a page within a Tag Type Migration Post processor.

Enhancement RT56054

The REST API getItems performance for folders with many pages was improved.

Enhancement RT55246

Improved and extended list of supported and discontinued features in the guides.


A issue within the sanitycheck2 was fixed. Previously an alter column statement for MSSQL only failed due to an syntax error. This is issue is now resolved.


When a file or image was marked for being republished using the maintenance dialog, its binarycontent was not written (again) into the content repository.
This could lead to missing binarycontent attributes in the content repository, if e.g. the content repository was newly assigned to the node, and has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT56127

Create page: Fixed error that ocurred when no filename was given and there was another file in the same publish path with an empty filename. Also fixed broken i18n translation for this error messages.

Bugfix RT56174

Fixed the assignment of constructs to nodes during the import.

Bugfix RT55141

Fixed GCNs internal sorting function not respecting whitespace in strings like MySQLs sorting does.
This caused the repository browsers to sort entries (nodes, folders) with whitespaces in the name differently than the main GCN node tree did.

Bugfix RT56138

Import: Fixed setting permissions when important content repositories.
When the import was started with a different group, it did not get permissions on the new content repository.
The chosen group and all parent groups will now get permission on the content repository when doing imports.

Bugfix RT56138

Import: Fixed permission bug when importing content repositories.
The group used for importing never got the “Assign user permissions”-permission flag.
Therefore users were never able to grant permissions for imported content repositories to other groups.

Bugfix RT56098

A performance issue has been fixed that slowed down the listing of files/images in
folders with a big number of files/images.

Bugfix RT55948

Fixed export selection in multichanneling environments. Previously, if you added
a folder that has been created in a channel in the channel where it was created,
its contained elements would not be automatically selected as dependencies.

Bugfix RT56181

When a contentrepository contained a tagmap entry of type “[7] Foreign Link“ that had a non-empty tagname set,
this could lead to objects being removed from the contentrepository, although they should not be removed.
This behaviour has been fixed now.
Please note however, that having a tagname set for a tagmap entry of type “[7] Foreign Link“ is wrong, because such an
attribute will not be rendered in the backend. Therefore it is stronly recommended to leave the tagname of tagmap entries of type “[7] Foreign Link” empty!

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.23.19-commercial – 30.08.2013