
With the Wiki-Edit-Mode you can put links for editing or creating new pages directly into your page template. By clicking on such links, the user will be redirected to the login and after that, the user can directly edit the page in the Real-Editor.

The Wiki-Edit-Mode is still available but it became obsolete with the introduction of the Aloha Editor. If the Aloha Editor is enabled, you will see the Aloha Editor in Wiki-Edit-Mode.

Links for editing and creating pages:

The following links can be placed in a template:

For creating a new page the link has to look like this:


name and template are optional. If no name is provided, the page id will be used as the name. If the template id is missing, a template from the folder with the given will be used.

For editing an existing page the link has to look like this:


For both URIs you can attach a parameter '&back=' that specifies where to redirect after editing. If not specified, the referrer will be used per default. The parameter assignment 'back=close' will trigger a javascript function that closes the window.


Single-Sign-On can be accomplished by sending the login data directly with the parameters 'login' and 'password'. This could be done in a cookie. This will bypass the standard login.


All relevant permissions are checked on access. If a user does not have the proper access rights, an error message is displayed.