How to set group permissions on folders correctly

You can set individual permissions for showing, creating, editing and deleting folders, pages, templates (…) for groups of users.

1 Where can permissions be edited?

Permissions can be configured in the folder menu of each folder or by right-clicking a folder in the tree. You can see a tree view of group permissions when you click on permissions in the group menu in the groups administration tool.

2 Important things to consider:

  • If the permission “Show” is disabled in a section, all other permissions in that section (Create, Edit…) should be disabled too.
  • If the permission “Show” is disabled on a folder, the folder is hidden and all other permissions should be disabled too. You can still set the “Show” permission on Files/Pages/Templates but the users in that group will not be able to view the page, because the Folder is hidden to them.
  • The path has to be visible! Every parent folder on the path to a folder where the group has permissions should have at least viewing permissions. If the group cannot “see” the parent folder, then the child folder is cut from the folder tree and therefore not accessible. This is especially true for the root folder of a node. If the group has no permissions on the node, then all tagtypes from this node are hidden too.
  • If “create” is set for folders, a user from the group can make new subfolders. The child folder has the same permissions as the parent folder.
  • Permissions are not inherited from folders to files, pages, templates etc…